I installed suse 10.2 late last week and i spent the majority of my weekend trying to get my wifi card up and running. Opensuse.org said i need to install bcm43xx-fwcutter http://en.opensuse.org/HCL/Network_Adapters_(Wireless)) so i download the fwcutter tool from: http://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=4547 (006) but i could get that installed either using #tar xvjf <file.tar.gz> #./configure but when i get to #make it says something like "nothing to make" so right now i'm kind of at a loss, i've done a lot of google searches but either the site is to advance and i get a head ache or just whats being advised doesn't work? hope this is enough info! any ideas?
Alright, so before i jump into this let me make sure i know how ndiswrapper works, first i just install ndiswrapper onto suse, then i get the drivers for my wifi card from say hp's website (i have a Compaq computer). which should come as a inf file correct? but how to install my driver w/ndiswrapper i'm not as clear on, hopefully i don't screw this up. thanks
what I recommend you do is get your dvd w/ all the laptop drivers, navigate through the cd and find the inf file then cd to the folder and type ndiswrapper -i bcmwl5.inf to check if you installed it correctly do ndiswrapper -l and it should say device present finally go to YaST >> Network Devices >> Network Card, select add, and select wireless for device type and ndiswrapper for module name ps I got a compaq too
I have that same driver, bcmwl5.inf and sys. I did every one of those steps, it says device present and gives me a number like 160E:1805, I did the network card setup, chose wifi for type and ndiswrapper for module, and on my bottom right I get a "new network interface found" then a message behind it saying "network interface disconnected" whats wrong? Also, this card came with my Acer Aspire 5000 laptop and the buttom would turn orange in Windows XP, but it wont in SuSe Linux 10.1 I cant turn it on, when pushed it does nothing. Oh and I am dual booting. And the only way I can even use ndiswrapper is by using the su command, entering my pass and then doing ndis -i *.inf and -l, please help I am a semi noob
I'm a semi noob too , but I do know if you have your wlan device working on xp, then you'll definatly have it working on openSUSE try uninstalling your current ndiswrapper and compiling the newest stable version, then install the .inf file from your xp partition
Ok, so i have my recovery cd's for my computer, but i can't find the inf file for my wifi card. Is that were i look for them is my recovery cd's. I also went to hp's website the broadcom driver comes as an exe file, there is no inf. we exactly do i find the inf file?
Ok I redid the steps and it said everything you said it should, so I went to assign an IP through DHCP and this is what it said. I guess its because I have SuSe 64-bit edition (which I forgot to mention sorry) so I am dloading SuSe 10.2 32-bit and will retry. And I didn't do any steps wrong or forgot to replace the drivers from bcmwl5.inf to my drivers, because I have the same inf file as those instructions.
if the other replies don't have the answer, make sure to bookmark this invaluable link re ndiswrapper - http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/...ponent/option,com_openwiki/Itemid,33/id,list/
your laptop should've come w/ 2 dvds...a dvd w/ the operating system and another w/ drivers look for the dvd w/ the drivers, thats where .inf is (its in the wlan folder I think)
I installed SuSe 10.2 320bit, and it detecs my broadcom card. But for some reason, the wlan button on my pc wont light up like it does in XP, meaning its on. KnetworkManager finds it, I set up the ESSID and WEP key, then it tries to connect, but the status is "configuring device" its been like this for over an hour. What should I do now
sounds like you just need to tweak the settings, try pasting the file here MINUS your personal details (such as ESSID etc). The file should be /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts-ifcfg-wlan0
the same crap happened to me when I had an older version of ndiswrapper...try compiling the newest one, remove all previous drivers, and try again
but i think thats my external card, cuz here is my internal broadcom one BOOTPROTO='dhcp' BROADCAST='' ETHTOOL_OPTIONS='' IFPLUGD_PRIORITY='20' IPADDR='' MTU='' NAME='AMBIT Microsystem TravelMate 2410' NETMASK='' NETWORK='' REMOTE_IPADDR='' STARTMODE='ifplugd' UNIQUE='JNkJ.SdX62z0c126' USERCONTROL='no' _nm_name='bus-pci-0000:00:0b.0' ifcfg-wlan0 lines 1-23/41 52%
i use WPA (i'm guessing yours is WEP) and here's mine.... DEVICE=wlan0 BOOTPROTO=dhcp NETMASK= ONBOOT=yes HWADDR= METRIC=10 MII_NOT_SUPPORTED=no USERCTL=no WIRELESS_MODE=Managed WIRELESS_ESSID=*removed* WIRELESS_ENC_KEY=*removed* WIRELESS_WPA_DRIVER=ndiswrapper IPV6INIT=no IPV6TO4INIT=no PEERDNS=no DHCP_CLIENT=dhclient DHCP_HOSTNAME=*removed* NEEDHOSTNAME=yes PEERDNS=no PEERYP=no PEERNTPD=no ...however i can't yet see why yours isn't working... edit- Linux being Linux, most of the time, my wifi 'light' lights up automatically when i boot, if it doesn't i just run 'ifup wlan0' and the wifi light goes blue & it connects to my router and gets stuck into to the internet..
Ok i did ifup eth1 (thats my broadcom) and this is what I got (after i switched it from network manager to ifup) suse:~ # ifup eth1 eth1 device: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) eth1 configuration: eth-id-00:14:a4:4a:35:9d eth1 is controlled by ifplugd SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory ifplugSIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory Cannot enable interface eth1. interface eth1 is not up dsuse:~ # ifplugd Sorry, there is already an instance of ifplugd for eth0 running. eth0 is my ethernet, and im on linux through ethernet right now.
I did iwconfig and this is what I got suse:~ # iwconfig lo no wireless extensions. eth0 no wireless extensions. eth1 IEEE 802.11b/g ESSID:"**removed by creaky**" Nickname:"**removed by creaky**" Mode:Managed Access Point: Invalid Bit Rate=1 Mb/s RTS thrff Fragment thrff Encryption key:**removed by creaky** Security modepen Link Quality:0 Signal level:0 Noise level:0 Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0 Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0 everything seems to be fine, after all the tutorials ive read, the problem seems to be the wifi card, it seems to be off. knetworkmanager couldnt activate it, and when I push the button that in xp would turn it on, does nothing
I typed dmesg and got this May 13 11:33:28 suse firmware.sh[3770]: Cannot find firmware file 'bcm43xx_microcode5.fw' May 13 11:33:28 suse kernel: bcm43xx: Error: Microcode "bcm43xx_microcode5.fw" not available or load failed. May 13 11:33:28 suse kernel: bcm43xx: core_up for active 802.11 core failed (-2) So I guess it is a firmware issue. I did some searching and found out you need to use bcm43 fwcutter, so I run that and this is what happened matt@suse:~> bcm43xx-fwcutter -w /media/hdc/Drivers/802BG/bcmwl5.sys ~ /home Sorry, the input file is either wrong or not supported by bcm43xx-fwcutter. This file has an unknown MD5sum d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e. i guess theres no hope for wifi on linux now? =[
a-ha, that's more like it. Mandriva 2007 also suffers from these so-called improvements to Broadcom wifi. What i do is disable the atrocious bcm43xx-fwcutter nonsense. Broadcomm wifi for previous versions (of Mandriva) worked perfectly fine. Anyways, try disabling it by adding 'blacklist bcm43xx' to /etc/modprobe.conf then ndiswrapper should magically start working correctly.