I think my Mod chip is broken. Can someone help me? When I turn my xbox on with the chip disabled everything works fine. When I turn the xbox on and activate the mod chip, my xbox just makes clicking noises and the light on the front flashes from red to green. It won't load or play a game. could anyone tell me what this might be.
That's called fragging. check all the points that the modchip is connected to. resolder if needed. Also, was it working correctly before?
No. It never worked. I installed it and couldn't get it to work. I will re-open it and try again. Thank you.
Usually fragging is caused by a faulty install. I suggest checking the d0 point very carefully... and making sure its installed right. Also make sure you flashed the proper bios to your chip that works with your xbox version. If you flashed an improper bios this would also cause fragging...