it only happens with this movie(A Bronx Tale). When i try to copy it on my computer with DVDFab Dyc. it goes good until 60% then stops, so the i try to open disc with DVD shrink and same thing. is it the DVD or there something else i should know.
Sounds like your disk is scratched/smudged or has a defect. Try cleaning it with some mild soap and water, if that does not work take it back for another original.
the most recent, and functional method of cleaning minor details I've found is with toothpaste, fingertip or eyeglass cleaning cloth - gently rub from edge to center going around disk, NOT IN CIRCLES, then rinse with cool water and dry with soft cloth. Is a very gentle abrasive!
Take a old disc and break it in half you will see how thick that clear plastic is there is a lot there so rub clean or use disc doctor it to death maybe you'll get lucky if it has a dent or a whole in the foil than your out of luck !
I wouldn't suggest breaking a dvd in half. At least not without safety glasses. We made the mistake of doing this at work and parts of the disk stuck in the wall and parts hit us, luckily not in the eyes. These disks are hard and brittle. This also goes for CD's.
Post comment, I used tooth paste on a disk that wouldn't copy, and it worked great-copied with no problem.
@brian007 Have you tried it with the free trial of anydvd + shrink? -trying to rule out the possibility of some incompatability- @scamper Truely surprised me too!