Dear Buckeye express Customer Recently a DMCA complaint alleging copyright(s) Violation(s) Via a peer -to-peer(P2P) network such as Bit Torrent,Gnutella,ArseWarez,ETc was summited to us witch we have subsequently tracked back to the modem that we have provided to you for the use with Buckeye Express. As your internet provider ,Buckeye takes such complantes very seriously and is required by the DMCA to notify you that Said complants have been registered. Continuing to share and download these materials could lead to legal action by the copyright holders. Therefore it is strongly recomended that you discontinue using and sharing these files and remove them from your computer.
ah ha! a clue! not sure what you're looking for here, but i'm guessing advice? being a download from better resources if you must continue to syphon property off of society. google provides solutions!
whooooaaaa, don't go agreeing with me, ripdox. that's a good way to get people to hate you around here.
i just got the letter today. but from what i understand in the 12 page letter is by signing the contract you allow them to monitor you internet download activity ...but im just not gonna download using the buckeye connection anymore