i have a gatway 2000 desktop and i would like to rebuild it for a home media power house so how do i know what kind of parts do i need or if it will fit (motherbourd prosesser cpu ram hard drive)i have all the info on like modle # and serial # any help will be usefull thank you
just out of curiosity ... why rebuild your Gateway? Why not just build a new pc? I mean if you plan to get a new mobo, cpu, ram, hd ... a case won't cost you that much.
well if i already have this case then why not please explain to me? if i you think that i should get one then were should i start? thanks
Do any of you guys know of an online computer parts store that is cheap and reliable besides newegg? Thanks -Pat (redhatman)
@redhatman, I know people have recommended zipzoomfly: http://www.zipzoomfly.com/jsp/Home.jsp ... and tigerdirect.com. I like shopping newegg ... prices are always good and shipping is cheap. And for me I live in Washington so I don't get charged sales tax @dell600m, First things first ... how much? And do you really want to buy a new mobo, cpu? A case really won't cost that much. Alot of good cases around $50-60. Why get a new case? ... for looks what else
consdiring its a gateway case,, i would imagine it would be really really tight,, you know,, just big enough to fit everything,, if you buy a case ,, it would be a little bit bigger, so you could work inside it better,, i know soemtimes a bigger case doenst sound to good, but if you want to work on it easy,, get a bigger case., and also have you built a comp before?
i have taken computer classes and we just took them aparte and put them back together. i know basicly how to do it. but when it comes to part # brands and compatibility whats best out there. i know i want a p4 processer and i want it to save,burn,edit movies and download music and do multiple thigs at once thanks
I never took any classes ... I built my first pc cause I was left with so many spare parts from upgrading my Dell. I started w/ my processor which was a P4 2.8 socket 478 ... so I chose a motherboard compatible w/ that and went from there.