I am building an Xbox with parts from www.Llamma.com, And i would like to know if this is possible and if i should do this or just buy an xbox already built? Thanks in advance. Sincerly Deathrat.
if you buy a motherboard hdd combo then yes it is if not you will have to buy a motherboard and put a modchip on it and then install your hard drive with an autoinstaller, but yes it is possible but if you dont know much about building xbox's i would stick with buying one thats built
don't trust engineers they're great at all that fantastical "engineering" shit, but put a screwdriver in their hand and somebody is going to lose an eye. I saw used Xboxs at gamestop for $109. how much could you possibly be saving?.... not a rhetorical question, I'm serious. how much would it cost to put it together yourself?