i have a 3 year old dell with a fualty motherboard. i want to replace the motherboard and using a geforce 2 with s-video out connect it to my tv without a moniter. i then want to be able to play video and music throught the tv. i do not want to be able to use a as a "pvr" to record tv just playback msuic and video from the network. I want to use software like Freevo to playback using a simple ui. Pc Spec: "new Motherboard" 768Mb Ram 64Mb Geforce 2 with s-video out. 40Gb Hd
Bacically all you really need is a good video card with TV out and it would come with the software you would need to be able to do what you are asking. Also a decent sound card with maybe digital out so you can hook it up to your Stereo or just use some good PC speakers.
Im just goig to use a geforce 2 with tv-out and mediaportal software. plus lineout to audio in on the tv so the sound comes through the tv