Hi, this is my 1:st post and im pretty new to VCD/DVD burning/authoring so please bear with me. What I want to do is burn multiple .mpg (mpeg1) files to a disk like a VCD but to a DVD disk instead of a CD and make it playable in a standalone DVD player. The various programs/guides i've used all wanted to convert or re-encode the .mpg -videoclips to DVD standard wich have resulted in loooong waits and poor quality. NeroVision Xpress 2 for example, takes forever to "transcode" the .mpg -files that would burn realy quick to a normal VCD in Nero. Is there no way to quickly and easily burn these files to a DVD-disk and make it run much like a VCD. The DVD disk has far superior size. 22 of my 200mb .mpg videoclips would fit on a DVD but I would need 8 CD's for the same job. I did try to make a VCD in nero and just use a DVD for media, but it wouldnt work. Any help i much apriciated.
hi eggba I use TMPGEnc dvd author,I can put as many as 4 full movies on one dvd.(if your happy with vcd quality) I use mine to watch on small screen portables, for traveling. If your mpegs are encoded correctly,the only thing author does is resample the audio.If they are not done correctly dvd author will refuse it. As far as how quick all of this is,if your mpegs are done right,it takes less than 3 hours depending on your system specs. Trial version available for TMPGEnc dvd author good luck and welcome to the forum jim
Thanks for your reply Jim. I have tried TMPGEnc dvd author and yes, some of the .mpgs were apparently not correctly done and the prog. refused them. After some fiddling with TMPGEnc i managed to correct the broken test-files and then TMPGEnc accepted them. This however takes alot of time and is pretty irritating since about half of my 300 .mpgs need to be re-coded this way. And first "fixing" the files and then resample the audio takes a very long time and is simply not an option if there is ANY other way. I dont understand why TMPGEnc dvd author will refuse them. They are fully playable/watchable on any PC mediaplayer. And they work just fine when buring them in VCD -foramt to a standard CDr and playing them in a standalone DVD -player.
Howdy. Iuse a DVD authoring program called myDVD or SpruceUp to burn VCD movies to a DVD. Works great! I suggest you try those out. MyDVD do automatically convert the audio to be DVD compliant (48khz). /N
Thanks for the reply. SpruceUp does NOT accept most of my .mpg files and gives the following err.msg: [Media file error (-1056243711) with d:\test.mpg]. When using MyDVD the program reencodes both audio and video to .vob or atleast to some DVD standard resulting in a good loss in quality. Im tryning NOT to resample/reencode the files but to make the original .mpg's play normaly without altering them, just like in a PC mediaplayer or a VCD copilation burnt to a CD. But i want to use a DVD as output due to its superior size.
Do you know exactly what the problem was with DVD Author accepting them? What did the error message say exactly?
This is the Errmsg i get : [bold]The video sequence header is incorrect. The video sequence header is incorrect. A video sequence header is necessary for every GOP in a standard DVD.[/bold] Like I said I managed to fix this by recoding th .mpg with TMPGEnc, but like I said it takes lots of time, especially since i have over 150 files that have the same prob.
Unfortunately I don't think there's any way to author those files without fixing them, but there may be a better way to fix them at least. From what I understand, you can probably fix that with Womble MPEG VCR's GOP Fixer which should at least be faster.
Thanks, Ill try that. Do you or anyone else have a take on why its not possible to burn a DVD with a VCD structure like I expalined above and play it in a DVD player.
I tried the 'Womble MPEG VCR's GOP Fixer' wich indeed was much faster and it found errors in the test-file. But when I tried to inport the fixed .mpg in TMPGEnc it said : [bold]"Could not inizialize the Decoder[/bold] Sigh
Another option that may do the job is Restream. Like MPEG-VCR it can change the header info without re-encoding. http://shh.sysh.de/restream.html To answer your other question, the problem is the DVD specifications. Video streams have to follow the DVD Standards which has specific requirements for MPEG headers.
I tried Restream but it will only edit files with a correct sequence header. This seems inpossible. Im going to try some other soft.
Ok, no luck, I guess ill have to recode all .mpgs in(almost) realtime to be able to burn them to DVD just because the've got inncorect sequence headers.
everyone makes this more complicated than it really is, all you have to do is take a mpeg1 file (like on a vcd) although on a VCD the extention is .dat........ so just change the extention Example: movie.mpg change to movie.dat if you have a dvd player that plays picture cd's you can make folders for your seperate movies if not just run them in line burn a data dvd toast works fine im sure others do to when you put it in a dvd player with your multiple .dat flies (divided into folders for differnt movies...keep it neat)a menu will come up select your movie and press play. very simple dont over think it dat files will play in sequence in folders and you can make chapters by dividing up the .mpg(changed to .dat) files. JUST CHANGE THE EXTENTION
Yes it works with SVCD aswell. This metod if good if you have a DVD plaer with onscreen menu/pic-cd support, not for example a playstation 2. Anyhow i wanna make a simple DVD menu that will play in all DVD players without touching the mpeg1 files.
heres the deal i did a test run on my friends dvd player and found out that it did not work on his (did not support pic cd) however the are two things that you can do to fix that one you can go to walmart and but the cheaapest APEX dvd player ($40 I got mine for) or you can make one vcd whth your first movie on it than transfer that to dvd adding more .dat files to the mpegav folder from your vcd files dvd player should play the the dvd as a regular vcd than run the rest of the files in sequence theres probably a easy way to add a menu too but i havent had a need for one because my dvd player plays pic cd's so it creates the menu for me from the floders i set up. I work on the menu and post back sometime soon to let you guys know how to implement it in your dvd.
I have been trying to do the same thing for a while now. I have a lot of mpeg-1's that I'm trying to mass store on a dvd-r and then play them in my dvd player. I created a VCD and copied all the folders to my hard drive and then put them on a dvd. I added more mpgs by renaming them to dat and using the AVSEQ01 etc naming system. I burned all this stuff to DVD and the player will not read it. I don't get why, it should work...it's just all the same folders on a larger capacity disk. The quality is fine to me and I do not want to reencode the files.
I FIGURED IT OUT!!! I used TMPGEnc DVD Author to create a DVD from my mpeg-1 files. You simply add the original mpegs and it creates a DVD. It takes about two and a half hours, but I got 18 half hour shows (without commercials) on a single DVD. The program does everything and a trial version is located at http://www.pegasys-inc.com/en/product/tda.html. It is very easy to use. If you need some guidance, this website gives a pretty detailed explanation of the process: http://pubs.logicalexpressions.com/Pub0009/LPMArticle.asp?ID=226. For some reason when my DVD completed, Windows told me the burn process could not complete. However, I put the DVD in my Panasonic player and it works great. The picture is a little unclear (like a VCD), as expected, but it is perfectly viewable and the audio is fine. Hope this helps!!!
eggba I have a lot of mpeg1 files that I was putting on VCDs (ala VCDEasy). Now like you, I want to put them on DVD. I have not run into the issue you reported, until today. I decided to move a TV series off some commercial VCDs and put them on DVD. Every one of the extracted files give the "video sequence header" error you encountered. I tried "[bold]MPEGSequenceMaker[/bold]" and it did work for mpeg1 videos. I no longer get the "video sequence header" error when I import them into DVD Author. I capture all my videos w/an ATI AIW card, and then encoded to mpeg1 w/tmpeg encoder. I have no problem importing them into DVD Author, except it does complain that the GOPs are too long (but still accepts them). I have found that TMPG DVD Author is the only program that will allow me to put my mpeg1 videos on DVD w/o re-encoding them. The only requirement DVD Author has is that the audio be 48khz instead of the typical VCD 44khz. Once I became aware of this requirement, I began capturing the audio at 48khz. However, I have over 100GBs of mpeg1 videos w/audio at 44khz. I found "[bold]svcd2dvdmpg[/bold]" will take those files (in batch mode) and will up-sample the audio to 48khz. You must have enough free space in the directory to hold the sourse file, the de-muxed file, and the new resultant file. It will process every video file in the source directory, so if you don't have much room, put the file in its own directory. I also borrowed the programs in "[bold]svcd2dvdmpg[/bold]" to demux and remux all the VCD files in batch mode. I had already used the program once to up-sample the audio, before I encountered the issue with DVD Author. Here is a sample of the batch file (mpgtx.bat) I used to demux the files (again): [bold]mpgtx.exe -d -b video01 video01.mpg mpgtx.exe -d -b video02 video02.mpg[/bold] (this will create -0.m1v & -0.mp2 files) I then used "[bold]MPEGSequenceMaker[/bold]" on the elementary video stream (-0.m1v) file to created the .mpv files to be mplexed w/the original (-0.mp2) audio. I then created a batch file (mplex.bat) with these contents: [bold]mplex.exe -o video01.mpg video01-0.mpv video01-0.mp2 mplex.exe -o video02.mpg video02-0.mpv video02-0.mp2[/bold] to create the new .mpg videos that will work in DVD Author. It worked like a charm. The programs & batch files need to be in the same directory as the files to be processed. Good luck with your DVDs