Burn DVD-R to DVD+R?

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by rc1489, Oct 2, 2008.

  1. rc1489

    rc1489 Regular member

    Jul 1, 2007
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    I am using nero essentials nero 7.10 , and i have some DVD-R'S , can you copy and burn them to DVD+R?

    I thought i had before , maybe not, but tonight i got an error message, not compatible change settings, if so how do you do that?

    The first window did say to put a DVD-R in after i tried again.

    Lite on burner, 1 20 ah something like that, it burns them dvd-r to dvd-r ok.

    These dvd-r's came from a stand alonr dvd recorder from my tv set up not on the pc.
    VISTA HOME PREMIUM 2 GIG RAM, AMD 64 ATHLON X2 4600 2- 160 HDS, 1-250 EXT HD.

  2. onya

    onya Guest

    You give no name to those blanks you're using....this info would be handy as would the precise model of your burner. Just to be sure, click on the Glossary tab at the top of the page and familiarise yourself with the media type differences.

    To answer you first question fully.. the answer is YES. The reason you get error messages could be that your burner may need a firmware up-date, Having said that...DO NOT up-date your firmware at this point, there could be better and more reasonable ways of getting you burning and a happy Afterdawner. :)

    So..more info and please be as precise as you can.

  3. beerlover

    beerlover Member

    Dec 27, 2004
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    If you were in a pinch. You could always rip it with dvd decrypter or dvd shrink, dvd fab to a folder(assume protection has already been ripped off) then burn with shrink.
  4. onya

    onya Guest

    Beerlover......now there's a nick I can relate too...LOL.

    Beers, it's not just a question of what software that's used and the methods ...but the compatibility of the optical drives "in house" software (so to speak) and it being able to recognise the media that's put into the drawer. This issue has yet to be resolved, so I'd ask that a little restraint might be in order. We haven't got ALL the necessary info so far. Also..shrink doesn't have it's own burning software, it uses two by standard. Nero and IMGburn. There are two versions. (both free)
    Sorry, just thought I'd clarify that point.

  5. rc1489

    rc1489 Regular member

    Jul 1, 2007
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    I am using nero essentials nero 7.10 , and i have some DVD-R'S , can you copy them and burn them to DVD+R?

    I thought i had before , maybe not, but tonight i got an error message, not compatible change settings, if so how do you do that?

    The first window did say to put a DVD-R in after i tried again.

    Lite on burner, LITE-ON DVDRW LH-20A1H ATA , it burns them dvd-r to dvd-r ok,or dvd+r to same

    These dvd-r's came from a stand alone dvd recorder from my tv set up not on the pc.
    VISTA HOME PREMIUM 2 GIG RAM, AMD 64 ATHLON X2 4600 2- 160 HDS, 1-250 EXT HD.

    i HAVE EMC 10 to install and understand there is a conversion method on that?
    THE dvd-r is a memorex 15 x i think,reading the fine print, the copy to dvd+r was sony 16 x
  6. onya

    onya Guest

    Go to device manager and determine the diver details and then go to LITEON and check there for firmware updates.

    Awful media rc1489...simply awful stuff. Get yourself some verbatims, and even when you do, cut your burn speed to 8X max.

    Howd you go?
  7. rc1489

    rc1489 Regular member

    Jul 1, 2007
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    Been there done that, Lite on tech chat, says "DVD-R TO DVD-R , DVD+R to DVR+R, no other way, however, Nero and Roxio supposedly have a converter, I have not installed EMC 10 yet they say it does convert, Nero recode is supposed to do this i found out today, but not sure if 7.10 does it, some say no you need a 6.1 version,
    try tonight after ball games

    by the way i tried nero recode 2 and i made a new file to put it in, the recode seemed to work , i watched the files transfer, but the file disappeared i made, never had that happen before.
  8. rc1489

    rc1489 Regular member

    Jul 1, 2007
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    Recode i nero 7.10, i did a clean recode and burn today, no hitches.
    A couple questions-1. Do you use windows explorer to make a folder so you can find the file you are creating? I seem to have a problem storing it somewhere in the directory as it is in recode unless i make a folder and name it as i am doing the project?

    2. Do you then always need to use recode to burn the VIDEO_TS that you created, or can you use "make a data dvd"?

    3.Do you want the check in the box burn at a slow speed, or if you select 4x or 6x which happens?

    These are tv episodes of 3-4 hours i am doing.

    4. If there are 4-6 different chapters on the DVD that i initially made, when the window shows up in recode after you have imported, it shows main movie and the others, you need select those to burn also or does the main movie pick up all titles?

  9. onya

    onya Guest

    Nero may suggest under what directory, but as alot of people have more than one HDD, it's often better for convienience that you maintain your own directory. imho.

    2. "make a data dvd?" I find it easier to use shrink, maybe old habits die hard.

    3.(in part) Burning speeds using either nero or shrink, should be set to 4X or 6X or 8X. Depending on your burner type, that's what dictates what box you can select for speed. IE: 6X speed may not be available etc.

    Episode burning is something I've stayed away from. These can be a little tricky when it comes to adding titles, menu's and such and the subsequent playback issues that often follow. Your best bet is to browse the threads here at AD, to find what your after.


    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    rc1489, one thread per topic...so I've closed your crosspost. Let's keep it all right here in this thread please.
  11. rc1489

    rc1489 Regular member

    Jul 1, 2007
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    Did you repost here what i had in the other being you locked it?
  12. rc1489

    rc1489 Regular member

    Jul 1, 2007
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