Burn DVDs from Media Center recordings

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by GeorgiaC, Aug 7, 2006.

  1. GeorgiaC

    GeorgiaC Member

    Aug 7, 2006
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    I have Windows Media Center edition that I record TV shows on. I've tried burning a DVD using the Windows software. I get the audio but no video when I try to play the DVD (tried two different players).

    When I read Media Center help, some shows are copy protected and cannot be recorded. They say that they have to be recorded as data DVDs and can only be played on the Media Center computer.

    I've got DVD Shrink, DVD Fab, DVD Encrypter, and Nero Ultra 7.

    Does anyone have any feedback on burning DVDs of recordings on their Windows Media Center computer?

    Thanks, Georgia
  2. david66

    david66 Regular member

    Apr 17, 2004
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    you can thank microsoft for your problems it is unlikly you will be able to record discs that can be played on external dvd players none of your programs will help
  3. GeorgiaC

    GeorgiaC Member

    Aug 7, 2006
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    Okay... I found the answer to my own question . . . I thought I would pass this along.

    If you have MCE 2005, there is a file sonicencoders.msi that you need to be able to burn TV DVDs. Apparently some PCs are shipped with that file and some are not.

    This is a link to a site you can download this file (see Reply 7 by Rampy); your install wizard will install it for you.


    I downloaded this file and then burned a copy of 24 I recorded with MCE last night. Sure enough, it worked in a (old) stand alone DVD player.

    There's a lot more to learn about doing this – editing commercials out, putting more than one episode on a DVD, etc, but for a novice (like me) the sonicencoders.msi file made it work for me – at least for my 'test' episode of 24.

    This is also a good site that is more in depth about this subject.


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