i burn cd's for this guy, they are copies of games, i have the feeling that he is burning the games that i burn for him and is re-selling them, how/ or is their a way that i can make cd's burn proof, i swear i thought i heard their was a way.
If you can copy the original then he probably can too right? I mean if you gave him the original couldn't he copy it also? Or is their something special you have to do to copy a game? idk i'm a newb lol. Stop copying games for him, that'll stop that.
i found a process but it looks very complicating, i swear i have read their is a way you can do it, or maybe encode it so he can't copy it, i guess if i quit copying games that would end it all
yes you can put protection on the CD but its very easy to get around is its probably not going to help