I can no longer burn movies at 8x or faster using dvd shrink. I'm using NEXXTECH discs 8x and have not had problems until I used a new set of discs. Even when I set to 16x speed shrink says can not burn at that speed,only 4x. Any help would be appreciated
first of all it your disk is rated at 8x then it will go as far as that unless you have overburning, which I doubt that NexxTech has on it's disks..... since it's not quality media, it's CMC MAG crappy media........here is a media guide for you: http://www.digitalfaq.com/media/dvdmedia.htm I suspect if you use better media you won't have burn speed problems..... but...... as Dialysis mentions, what program are you using to burn? That could be your problem, too. First start off using better media and then see if that helps out! The rule of thumb is [bold]Made In Japan (MIJ)[/bold] are the best media..... only exception to that rule is Verbatim, which is made in Taiwan/Singapore, they are top notch. Other brands that are top notch are Taiyo Yuden, Sony, Maxell, Fuji all MIJ!
Get yourself some better media and try that and see if it burns. NexxTech is really scraping the bottom. Also, if you have a burn log from Nero post it so others can see if anything else is wrong, go to C:/Program Files/Ahead/Nero/Nero History. Your last burn log is sufficient, you do not need to post them all.
If you do post a log instead of writing it out which will take ages just highlight it by holding down the left mouse button and drag down to the end of the log, when all is highlighted press CTRL and C then press CTRL and V when you are in the AD reply box.