I am trying to burn season 1 of Grey's Anatomy. It is on 2 disks and after burning disk 2 it works fine, but disk 1 will not. I now have 4 copies of disk 1 that will work in my pc, but not my dvd player. I used dvd fab-->VOB Blanker-->dvd shrink-->BurnRight (following Alkohol's(?) guide at afterdawn for the first two steps). I did the exact same thing for both and cannot figure it out. The only difference between the two disks is that disk 1 has previews and 2 does not. I left them in because I'm paranoid that I'll uncheck something that I shouldn't and screw it all up anyway. I'd really appreciate any help.
In my opinion I would just burn them doing a full disc backup with the anyDVD and CloneDVD trials. If you want to do this any otherway post back. And Ill give ya some more ways.
I'm using Maxell DVD-R. DVD-R seemed to work better than when I tried DVD+R. I can use any kind with my burner. I'm trying to use stuff that I can use for all my future burning needs because I just recently got my burner and am learning how to use it now. I don't really want to rely on free trials and then have to learn something else later.
Oh and btw, I did try to burn with AnyDVD and it didn't work. That was one of the first things I tried with a Disney movie and might have with 1 of the Grey's disks and neither would work.
hello chinalily, R those maxell's made in JAPAN, if so media is not your problem, if not media could be ur problem? also what kind of burner do u have? so if i read it right u burned both disk and it finished with a sucessfuly burn, but one does not play, What speed r u burning out? A good rule of burning speeds is half of what the top rated speed says. Also u might need a firmware update? Another thing is u burner might be capable of booktype's which will help the dvd player to read it more easily. BTW This is the combo I use and most are Freeeeeee! 1. DVDFab decrypter(Free) http://www.dvdidle.com/free.htm 2.VOBblanker(Free) Not always needed http://jsoto.posunplugged.com/vobblanker.htm here is a guide for VobBlanker http://www.dvdr-digest.com/articles/article_vobblanker_page1.html 3. DVD shrink(free) or Nero Recode2(NOT free)just as good if not better 4.Dvd decrypter(free) or IMGburn(free) or Nero Burning Rom(NOT free) here is a guide for the whole combo http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/334154 Perfect 100% backup of any Movie Guaranteed, OF COURSE with QUALITY MEDIA
@chinalily You cant burn with anyDVD so not sure what your talking about there. But if you have anyDVD and the trial hasnt run out theirs a simple way to do a full backup. IF you have DVD Decrypter rip the disc to a ISO while anyDVD IS running. Open the ISO in DVD Shrink. Shrink it and burn it with anyDVD. Again like I said before download CloneDVD2 from slysoft.com and do a full disc backup. I bet it does a perfect copy first time. (full disc, menus, extras, everything).
I meant I used Shrink with AnyDVD running. I already uninstalled it because, like I said before, I figured I'd probably run into problems like these later and want to know what I'm doing without it. I'll have to look for the book to see specifically what kind of burner it is tomorrow. The disks were made in Japan. Thanks all, until tomorrow.......
Try to burn data or music if this fails your burner could be dead I seem to be seeing alot of people freak out about not being able to backup DVD's but forget the simple test of checking to see if they can burn anything not beating up on you just trying to get everyone to try this to find out more info
As stated before, the disks will all work in my pc, just not my dvd player and the other disk (disk 2) will work in my dvd player so I know the burner works.
Try agin you could have made a coaster Dude it happens all the time take that disc and break it in half
I've had some perfectly successful burns, but I've also had burns that say VOB when I put it in the dvd player and it doesn't play correctly. How can I correct this. The last one I burned did this. I don't know what I'm doing right to make the good ones and wrong to make the bad ones. I think some of them were because of the media because I did the same things for both tries. One of the ones that said VOB was a DVD+R but the same movie burned on DVD-R played correctly. But I've had the VOB problem for other movies on DVD-R as well. I'm not sure what exactly all these things do, but I have used VOB blanker. I used it on Disk 1 of Grey's Anatomy and it plays correctly and I finally made a copy of Disk 2 that works, but with the VOB problem. I used blanker for both.
Ok, me again. This is very frustrating. I really want to burn this one disk and can't. I have tried using DVD shrink with AnyDVD and it says wrong disk. I have tried using DVDfab-->VOB Blanker-->DVDshrink without AnyDVD and it also didn't work at all. I tried using the previous three with AnyDVD and that is when it kind of worked, but with the VOB problems (as stated in previous post). This last method (I think) is how I burned the other disk of the set that works. I read that you should close AnyDVD when using these others, but I had forgotten and found that it worked in that case. I have used a program called BurnRight to burn every time. I want to try to burn at a slower speed but can't find anywhere to change it for this program's free demo, which is what I have. I downloaded IMGburn but when I try to browse for the files and I open the VIDEO_TS there is nothing there, even though there is when I open it in BurnRight. Should I do it all, but without VOB blanker. I know it isn't always necessary, but how do I know when to use it? And if it isn't necessary, does it hurt to use it? Someone please, please help me!
Do you own that disc if is damaged you never will be able to copy it sometimes if the disc is to big you might be able to use a DL insteed of a SL or rent the same disc somewhere and try that. This is what I use to make backups Anydvd Shrink and burn with Decrypter I only copy the main movie so it has more room on the disc.
Edit-RbBrock, i think chinalily is having problems burning it not shrinking or ripping Hello chinalily, QUOTE: Should I do it all, but without VOB blanker. I know it isn't always necessary, but how do I know when to use it? And if it isn't necessary, does it hurt to use it? Someone please, please help me! when using vobBlanker it is only really needed if u have an error while using shrink. however it does not hurt to use it even if it doen't need 2 be used, I use VobBlanker on almost every movie because i like to get rid of all the trailers and other crap on the movie and it does fix structual problems too. QUOTE: I downloaded IMGburn but when I try to browse for the files and I open the VIDEO_TS there is nothing there ImgBurn can not burn VIDEO_TS folders, it can only burn an ISO File. QUOTE: The disks were made in Japan If this is true than ur Maxell disks are very good quality. Questions: Does ur DVD player support +R media? in other words has it ever played a backup using +R media? here is something u can try Open DVD shrink and then open the Video_TS folder that u want 2 burn. Then Hit the Backup button and where it says SELECT BACKUP TARGET select create an ISO image Then when it is done burn that image with IMGburn
woo! Thank you so much 300bowler. I was clueless about the ISO part. Whether it was that or the slower burn speed or both I don't know, but ImgBurn is working wonderfully for me! Now my dvds will even play in my dvd player and not just my daughter's. I had given up on it. Thanks everyone for all the help. Hopefully I won't need it anymore. At least for a while
I tried, told him anydvd, shrink and burn with decrypter I forgot the part to say save ISO and burn with decrypter (my bad)