Burned dvd playback errors?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by hymeballs, Aug 6, 2006.

  1. hymeballs

    hymeballs Member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    Sometimes after I play a burned dvd the the movie will either skip, move foward fast and then stop and cannot be played beyond a certain point. The question I have is it the program I use, the burner itself or the media. I've just bought a new burner since my last one finally died. But I burned three new movies and 2 did the above stated problem. I use dvd fab with verbatim dvdr's. I used to use dvd shrink but it wont do the newer movies. I use anydvd also.....thanks...
  2. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    It could be many different possibilities:

    1) Programs
    2)Speed burning-too fast,or too slow
    3) Media quality-verbatim are top notch
    4) Compression
    5) Dirty laser lens
    And many/many more.

    First off,what drive/s shows those issues upon playback?
    Stand alone player/s or pc dvd-rw drive?

    You'll have to verify your backups,using your pc,and the dvd-rw drive that burned them. They should play them to near original in quality.Also test in other stand alone players.

    Dvd shrink,with the help of anydvd, will rip just about every new encryption out there.

    I leave anydvd disabled when I use dvd shrink,until I run into those newer encryptions.Then enable anydvd-rip with dvd shrink,and no problemo ripping.

    When you used dvd shrink,what burn engine did you use for it?

    Sounds more like a burn engine issue or a dirty laser lens-if those issues only showup when viewing on a stand alone player.
  3. hermes_vb

    hermes_vb Regular member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    Well Saugmon, you pretty much covered all the angles there. You just forgot to include Taiyo Yuden as top notch too.
  4. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    don't forget to mention booktyping.......

    there are plenty of reasons why certain dvds won't play in other players:

    1. burning speeds: burn at 4x so there will be less writing errors (rule of thumb is to burn at half the rated speed of the disk--8X disk burn at 4x).
    2. read manual for your stand alone player and use the disks that will play in your player. If your player is less than 2 yrs old then it should play the + or - R disks! I said SHOULD that's why you read the manual.
    3. try booktyping your drive to DVd-ROM so it will make your +R disks more compatible to players. Read this:
    4. make sure that there are no finger prints or scratches on your disk that make it hard for the player to read the disk!
    5. use good quality media (rule of thumb....buy the ones that are Made in Japan.) Verbatim is a top notch disk and is the only exception to this rule....some Verbatims are made in Taiwan and they are top notch!
    6. and don't burn too close to the outer edge of the disk ..... which will make the disk unreadable! but using good media you will be able to burn close to the edge better than lesser quality media. Just in case I only burn no closer than 4400MB, so if you can set your programs to that, all the better!

    follow these little tips of the trade and you'll have better success! good luck.

    also read this:
    why the +R media is better than the -R media

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