howdy i burned a copy of a dvd movie...used freeware to compress it so it would fit on one dvd...put it in my dvd player and it worked, audio, menus, etc... just put it in to play and ....nothing... actually, it showed a few frames, as though it was skipping, then went to it just goes direct to pause....any advice?? this is the first dvd i've i may just be fouled up in a general way....
hate to sound dense, but are you referring to the actuall dvd i burned or the software used to burn...also, thanks for the quick reply finally, after several attempts it actually did work....puzzling, to say the least
That's odd, nothing is going to affect the data that is physically burned on the disc unless it is damaged by heat or scratched, etc. If it played once it ought to play again. Can you play the thing in your computer? Heck, maybe it is just really crappy media and is delaminating at the edge or something. What kind of media is it? I use Ritek like Jim recommends and never have problems with it.
I mean your dvdr's what brand are they,your problems sound like cheap or bad media(bad isnt always cheap).
Well I didn't hit the reply button quick enough. But it plays now? Maybe your player is having problems. Hi Jim! _X_X_X_X_X_[small]motorcycle racer computer newbie Sony VAIO Suzuki GSXR1000 [/small]
lol yeah frank it seems were playing dueling posts. fasfrank sounds about right,yout player might be going south on you.