this is my first massage I hope someone can help I,m have been burning dvd,s for around 3 years I don,t know how it works I just buy the software and let it do the work I have dvdX copy platinum I gave up on that over a year ago I have clonedvd2 that I copy with and I have dvd decryptor I use verbatim dvd+r I had a sony dvd player thay will not play I bought a toshiba they will not play on that I have a magnvox $35.00 and they play on that??? I don,t get it I dont know what to do I have a lot of money in this if someone can help thanks
What make and model dvdrw drive do you have? What speed are your discs rated at and what speed are you burning them?
just a few things that you need to say you are using verbatim dvd+r need to check if the dvd player can play them or if it will only play dvd-r disks.if it does then i think it is juat a case of the dvd players themselves.i gave a friebd of mine a loan of some dvds that i backed up to watch on his sony dvd recorder.he said that about 3 quarters of the way through each ilm it froze on him.i know that sony ,jvc,toshiba or any other big name brand dvd players have known compatability issues with playing backup disks where as you say yourself the cheap dvd player will play just anything.i have a powerpoint & an alba dvd player myself & the have never failed to play any dvd that i have burned out.i think it's just a case of cheaper is better when it comes to playing copied dvds.hope this helps answer your question.
Your sony is a rebadged lite-on SOHW-1633S/1653S. Try booktyping your +r media to dvd-rom using the lite-on booktype utility. Here is a link and here is a usage guide Plug in your sony as the drive you wish to use to bitset/booktype. Dvd-rom is the same format as new pressed dvd's and is the most compatable with set top players. By booktyping your dvd+r discs to dvd-rom you are tricking your set top player into thinking your burned discs are new pressed dvd's. Also keep your burn speed no faster than 8x. BTW you can not bitset/booktype dvd-r media, only dvd+r.
sorry to say after I played the "fixed" dvd and let it play for about 2 minutes the movie got pixulated and then froze up if you could think of something else