burned dvd will not play on burner

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by MRB068, Aug 4, 2004.

  1. MRB068

    MRB068 Guest

    I burned a backup of a dvd and it will play on stand alone dvd players but will not play on the computer that I used to burn it. Here is how I did it.

    1)DVD Decrypter
    2)DVD Shrink "Main Movie" Only
    3)Nero "DVD-Video"
  2. cannew

    cannew Member

    Dec 28, 2003
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    Some players only play -R or +R, did your copy match the player?
  3. MRB068

    MRB068 Guest

    I have HP and have found out that there is something wrong with the firmware but no one knows how to fix it.
  4. viper64

    viper64 Guest

    Why are you using decrypter,shrink,nero to burn a dvd

    You can just use shrink and the Nero?
  5. MRB068

    MRB068 Guest

    That is how I am doing it; I could have been more clear. What I don't understand is why I can burn the dvd but not play dvd using the same drive.
  6. viper64

    viper64 Guest

    Try this:
    1.shrink your dvd movie with dvd shrink
    2.use Nero to copy the VIDEO_TS & AUIDO_TS FILES THAT WILL BE PRODUCED BY USING SHRINK. All you have to do is copy these files as a data project on to a blank dvd disk with nero.Don't use decrypter for this test.

    I will almost bet it will work

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