Dear all, For the best part of a year I've been able to burn DVD and play them in my DVD Player....However recently they can no longer be played....although they are still can be played in Nero ShowTime! No idea why? Any suggestions would be really appreciated, Thanks Gwyn
gwyn, Your dvd that no longer be played in your dvd player because the dvd media that you used previously are crapped media, meaning could be made in taiwan or you are using memorex I suppose. This is the first lesson that I learnt when burning dvd. Always burnt not more than x4 depending on your dvd burner and use brand dvd media like verbratim, taiyo yuden or maxell made in japan. If you must use dvd media made in taiwan then look for verbratim.
Cheers for the reply....would make sense as the DVD's are MMore, although the previously successful DVD are TDK (Made in Taiwan).
sounds like a bad case of the bad media purchases. for TDK see this link from my sig - for MMore, well, i dread to think what disc manufacturer actually made those discs...