I put together a an external dvd burner and burned maybe (3) movies ok. Now the movies I burn will only play in same burner and not on a stand alone dvd player or P.C. What did I turn off? If there is another thread reguarding this issue, please forgive me for creating a new one.Peace!
Hello cowboyblk: What programs were you using? What brand and type of media are you using? At what speed did you burn the media? This type of problem is often the result of using poorer quality blank media and burning that media at too fast a speed. Good quality media is made by Verbatim, Taiyo Yuden, and made in Japan labeled Sony and Fuji media. A good rule of thumb is to not exceed half the rated spped of the media when burning. The poorer the quality of the media used the slower one usually needs to burn.
I'm using anydvd,dvdfab,dvdshrink,nero combination.(all the latest) I'm using an LG dvd burner and have updated the firmware, and I'm using verbatim blank disc.I'm burning at 4X. I have backed up over.....well let's just say that I have done well over enough back ups with my original burner. I decided the buy an internal dvd drive and put it in an encloser. Everything worked fine for a few backups, but now it will burn fine but will only work in same drive,not in any stand alone or on another pc dvd drive.And Thank You for the response.
Howdy again. Go ahead and post the Nero burn log for the burn. Maybe that will provide a clue. The log is in this path: Nero 6: Program Files > Ahead > Nero > NeroHistory Nero 7: Program Files > Nero > Nero7 > Core > NeroHistory Post only the section that deals with the burn of interest, probably the last section. Be sure to delete the program serial number before posting.
Thanks for the input.I'm using Nero 6.0.Ive been backing up my DVD's for years,this is the first time Ive come across this problem.I cannot find "nero history".I removed and reloaded Nero and DVDshrink, but still making coasters that will play in burner only. I'm using dvd+r's,tdk,burning a 4x.I normally use verbatims but I'm out at the moment.Anyways,thanks for the input.Do you think using "firewire" is better than USB?
I have both Firewire and USB 2. There isn't any difference in burn quality. Firewire allows for faster maximum burn speed than USB 2, but I only burn on externals at 4X anyway. Unless the TDKs are labeled made in Japan, they probably aren't of very high quality. I'd certainly try a different brand to see if that made a difference. I'd buy a few +RW disks to just have on hand as well for experimentation. Also if your using -R try using +R and see if that makes a difference as theboltz suggested.