Hi, I burned a video using nero 6, but when I played the video in my dvd player it won't play the sound, the video plays fine on the pc with VLC player, the Audeo format is MPEG Layer-3, its the first time this has happened
make sure you are playing the correct audio channel when playing DVD in the player. There should be AUDIO button on remote or player..... check it out. Also you might have a DTS audio channel recorded on the DVD and your player might not play DTS audio.
DVD (Mpeg2 format) does not support MP3 audio. Only LCMP, AC3, DTS, (Mpeg2). Computer will play all, standalone is different unless it supports DivX. In that case Mpeg4 video MP3 audio.
A correction the video didn't play the sound in my pc, thinking back I played the video file not the burned dvd, any way this is what I did, I used dvd flick to encode it I think thats the right word, then I burned it with Imgburn every thing seemed ok when Imgburn finished it told me it burned ok, but when tried to play it nothing, it hadn't burned it, I used the same disk and burned the dvd flick encoded file with nero 6 and it burned ok and it plays in my dvd player. thanks for your help, I found out about dvd flick when I did a search
dvd flick worked fine, I was doing the burning with Imgburn, for some reason Imgburn didn't burn it, may be I did something wrong I don't know but Imgburn appeared to burn it ok but as I say when I tried to play the dvd thier wasn't any thing on the dvd to play, I used the encoded file I created with dvd flick and burned it with nero 6 and it worked fine in my dvd player, can you burn with dvd flick? I couldn't see an option to burn
dvd flick uses imgburn i think and with the beta dvd flick yes it burns... or output as iso imgburn can burn that, saves any hassle your having then load files/folders into imgburn... or like said just set dvd flick to use imgburn on AUTO (whats in pic burn ticked)...