can someone please tell me how to burn a copyed or back up dvd. i'm using my sonic dvd, or do i have to go through the whole dvd decryper and dvd shrink again. in other word is there something quickier to burn a back up copy.
Just use DVD Decrypter in iso read and then write mode, or isn't there a copy disk feature in your Sonic program. I do not use the program so I am not familiar with it.
Use your copy, and just use Decrypter in iso read then write mode. Or as I stated see if your Sonic has a copy disk feature. You do not need any files on your hard drive you can copy you copy.
Like arniebear said, insert the copy in your dvdrw or dvd-rom, open dvdd, click on mode, click on ISO read. When it is done load a blank dvd in your dvdrw, open dvdd, click on mode, click on ISO write, click the start arrow, locate and select the ISO you just made. There ya go.
just to make sure i'm on the right page with you guys. after i finished with the iso write i'm done i don't need dvd shrink.