Burning a DVD using a File

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by NEW42OFUS, Apr 11, 2008.

  1. NEW42OFUS

    NEW42OFUS Guest

    I have done this before, but don't know the combination that I used. I have a file that ends in "-FXG" whatever that means. I have AnyDVD, CloneDVD2, ConvertXtoDVD3, ShrinkDVD, Nero, etc. I used ConvertX2DVD on it and it burned the entire movie, except for 5 minutes. The 3 files say the movie is 4.2gig. Should I have used DVD Shrink some way. I tried it this morning and didn't get it to work. Doing something wrong here. HELP!
  2. corn

    corn Guest

    Hmm. I don't know what FXG is, but you could try converting it via ConvertXtoDVD, and then burn with shrink.
  3. Rotary

    Rotary Senior member

    Apr 10, 2003
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    how big was the torrent/fxg
  4. NEW42OFUS

    NEW42OFUS Guest

    Ok, that sound reasonable. I just got shrink so I need to try it. I have downloaded this file twice and burned it twice, so maybe 3rd time is charm. Thanks.
  5. NEW42OFUS

    NEW42OFUS Guest

    The file itself says it is DVDRIP-FXG and the size is 949 meg. When I run it through ConvertXtoDVD the files are 4.2 gig.

  6. corn

    corn Guest

    Yeah, its 4.2 because of the conversion process, thats no surprise haha. Anyways, try it with Shrink, who knows. What are your encoding settings? Try putting at the lowest/highest quality, and let it sit all night, thats what I do.
  7. NEW42OFUS

    NEW42OFUS Guest

    Ok Thanks, I'll give that a try. I also am in the middle of copying one I have that is very long. I had no problem with this previously. Now, Shrink and Convertx says there is an error and Clonedvd3 says it is protected. There can't be an error in the DVD, I just watched it, right?

    I am a retired computer tech, but still a newbie in relation to the "encoding" "decoding" aspect of this fairly new technology. So, I did understand that the file I mentioned, would be larger once decompressed. Thanks again, for your response.
  8. Rotary

    Rotary Senior member

    Apr 10, 2003
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    set convertxtodvd to output size 4300meg in options then try again...
  9. NEW42OFUS

    NEW42OFUS Guest

    OK, Thanks.

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