I've tried to burn a dvd with anime episodes on them, but it wouldn't play on any of my dvds. I copied the files onto a data disc and I think I'm on the right track. After I burn the dvd, will I be able to view it on my dvd?
Are you trying a copy a factory episodic DVD? We need more information about what exactly you're trying to do, what software you're using, what brand/type media and what make/model burner.
if its episodes that you are copying i have used clonedvd plus slysoft anydvd to backup alot of my animewithout getting many coasters, however nephilim is right we do need more info on what program you are using and the media that you are using catch ya andmerr
Are you backing up the entire dvd to dvd+r? If so use DVD Decrypter and launch "file mode". Now try CloneDVD 2 or Pinnacle Instant Copy 7.0 or 8.0