Hi there, I have a movie/video clip saved on my PC and wanted to put it onto a DVD but im totally lost on how to do that! I have programs on my PC called Sonic, Nero and DVD Decrypter ... can i use one of these and do this? If anyone can explain simply how do do this to a newbie here i would really appreciate it. Thanks!
You don't indicate what format you files are in that you want to burn. Nero can accomplish most tasks like this...open Nero Vision through smartstart. Select the type of media you want to backup onto (DVD/CD) and the type of disc you want to make (ie. DVD-Video)...add your video files and burn.
Ok i opened nero Vision through smartstart .... but im still lost ... the file type just says movie clip and wont show up in any folders when i go to add it to nero.
Yup...you can use either Express or Vision (if you want to add menues) to burn your files. Simply add them to your burn window and burn.
I keep getting an error message once i start the burn process ... i can add the file ... the message says something about "Unable to prepare dats for recording. prepare session failed. Transcoding of videos failed. (internal error 2009235751) I also see something on the file Xvid does that mean anything?
Try a trial version of this software and see if you can get any results. http://shareit.com/product.html?pro...78335&random=966f19bf00f56fd6378bdd09f8b8476a I don't usually deal with .avi's so this problem is a little out of my grasp...sounds like a corrupt download, maybe some peices are missing.
Ok i downloaded the trail and its now doing the converting thing ... is it supossed to take awhile to do ? Its been doing the converting for the past hour now ... its at 79%. So exactly what is this converting thing doing anyways? Is it actually making the DVD copy now? I have a blank DVD in there so im not sure what its doing. Thanks
ok everything worked and its now on the dvd but there a message across the screen saying to remove this message i have to buy an unlock key online! If i would have known i was going to be stuck with the darn message across the screen i wouldnt have bothered to copy it all darn! I s there another program i can use that wont put the watermark message thru the screen Thanks again for your help! Cathy
LOL Sorry, I should have mentioned the watermark in the trial version. Like I said before, I don't usually deal with this type of backup so unfortunately this is the only software that I know will work...and so do you.