burning a movie

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by smorris, May 1, 2004.

  1. smorris

    smorris Member

    May 1, 2004
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    Ok i'm really confused. I tried to burn my movie on Sonic:Record Now and it says the movie is protected. Is there a way to get around it? and if so what is that way? I know i need to do something like copy it to the hard drive and get rid of the TS video or something and then copy and past it to my blank cd and back it up or something but im really confused. does anyone know the easiest way to burn a dvd movie and if so what is that way?
  2. smorris

    smorris Member

    May 1, 2004
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    haha opps its me again well ive been reading up and i see something about a dvd decriptoyr and a shrink and i read the guide here and throughtout the forum but i still dont understand what it is and what i have to do.
  3. jim_dandy

    jim_dandy Active member

    Jan 9, 2004
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    hi smorris
    when your ready to back up dvd's,this is what you'll be using mostly DVD Shrink but once in awhile DVD Decrypter when you find a disc that shrink wont do. (both freeware)

    try these very easy to follow guides(no reading just watching)

    guide for doing the whole disc...http://www.dvdshrink.info/fulldisk_basic.php

    guide for when your disc is bigger than 4.36gb:http://www.dvdshrink.info/reauthor_basic.php

    guide for using on that stubborn disc:http://www.dvdshrink.info/dvd-decrypter.php

    guide for burning with nero:http://www.dvdshrink.info/nero-video.php

    guide if you need to print it all out:http://www.chrismccann.co.uk/user_guides.htm
    trial version available for nero
    good luck and welcome to the club
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]you should never take life too seriously....you'll never get out alive!!
    procrastinate now...dont put it off till tomorrow
    if you can read this..you dont need glasses.[/small]
    Last edited: May 1, 2004

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