I'm trying to copy a VIDEO_TS file onto DVD using Record now max,i can add the file but as soon as i go to record it comes up with an error (DataJob Untitled1 Terminated With Errors)My blank DVD's are fine cause i use them all the time for other jobs anyone any ideas cheers.
Hiya, Are you adding a VIDEO_TS [bold]folder[/bold] or a VIDEO_TS [bold]file[/bold]? there IS a difference!!! I assume you want to burn a movie from hard-drive... Try using Chris's guide, Here: http://www.chrismccann.co.uk/recordnowmax.htm Have Fun... _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Life is just more of the same:[/small]
Hi, thanks for the reply yes i'm just adding the folder and yes it's a movie and iv'e already read that guide...great guide by the way, but when i get to the point of recording i get the same error??
Hi, I just tried playing them on Power DVD from HD well i must say it's a bit choppy and seems to skip here and there so....guess it's a bit messed up i take it thats the reason then?