I have burnt at least 10 DVD+R discs till now and they do not play back on my Cyberhome DVD player (CH-300 model). The player says "loading..." forever but it does not. I have few mpeg files which I burnt using Nero and Sony DVD writer. All are default settings, did not change anything. When I play back the DVDs on my PC, they play with a staggered audio. My DVDs are Philips and CyberDVD with 1-8x speed. In Nero I get only two speeds 6x and 8x. Burning at both speeds gives no results. When I burn on a re-writable DVD from TDK, it plays back fine. Anyone knows what the issue is?
It's likely the quality of the media and the speed at which it's being burned. Philips and CyberDVD both use various manufacturers to supply their media, often low quality manufacturers. Try locating some Verbatim, Taiyo Yuden (online), or Made in Japan labeled Sony or Fuji disks. You can download DVD Identifier and it'll provide the media code for the actual manufacturer. It can be downloaded here: http://dvdidentifier.cdfreaks.com Usually it's a good idea to limit your burn speed to 1/2 or less the rated speed of the media. It is of course possible that your burner firmware is not up to date and could be part of the problem. Firmware for Sony DVD burners is here: http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?category=4&manufactor=30 If you have DVD Decrypter, select Tools > Drive > Check for firmware updates and it'll search for firmware updates for your drive.
I have run DVD identifier and it shows: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unique Disc Identifier : [DVD+R:CMC MAG-E01-000] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disc & Book Type : [DVD+R] - [DVD+R] Manufacturer Name : [CMC Magnetics Corp.] Manufacturer ID : [CMC MAG] Media Type ID : [E01] Product Revision : [Not Specified] Blank Disc Capacity : [2,295,104 Sectors = 4.70 GB (4.38 GiB)] Recording Speeds : [1x-2.4x , 4x , 6x-8x] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ DVD Identifier V4.3.0 - http://DVD.Identifier.CDfreaks.com ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I updated my sony firmware to 08 after i posted my question. Burnt another DVD but is of no use. In my nero, i only see 6x and 8x options. I do not see lower speeds to select for burning. Not sure why. I'm not able to determine if it is my drive problem, or DVD problem or player problem.
Hi, Ahhhhhh, my eyes, it hurts my eyes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those are on the bottom of the list for quality. Real good media is not really more expensive, it's just you need to know where to find it. Verbatim, Taiyo Yuden, Maxell [bold]DVD-R Made In Japan[/bold] are real good quality media.
I'm thinking the same... I have 50 numbers of such DVDs... do you think if not for video, they work well for data backup? what do i do with those now? (using for data backup is sounding scary...)
Possibly if your burn them very slooowly they may work out for data, but personally I would not trust them. If you can't get good burns with video, you will probably get errors on a data burn too, and the you will not be able to get your data off. Just my two cents.