hey guys i was wondering if u could help me. ive tried to backup my own genuine dvd collection but the discs were copy-protected. so i tried copying the files in them and pasting them in my comp, then burning them using Sonic. but i simply ended up with two folders (for each dvd) called AUDIO_TS (which has nothing in it) and VIDEO_TS. the VIDEO_TS folder has a load of VOB, IFO, and BUP files and i dont understand what to do with them. i tried using Sonic to burn a new DVD with these files but it says to use a file format it understands. some other people had similar requests in the past, and ive read your suggestions. its just that i cant be bothered downloading NERO coz ive got dial up ( i know, so primitive) and the stupid setup file is around 125 mB. is there any other program i can use to the job as simply as NERO with preferably a smaller setup file? (i figured using DVD Shrink and that decoder thing is too complicated) please help thankyou
Hello. You'll need to follow the guides for backing up DVDs. I suggest you use ripit4me which will automate the process to an extent for you. You will need to download and install the following three programs which are the ones used by ripit4me. This is a totally free approach. DVD Decrypter: http://www.filehippo.com/download_dvd_decrypter DVD Shrink: http://filehippo.com/download_dvdshrink/ FixVTS: http://www.videohelp.com/~FixVTS/ ripit4me can be downloaded here: http://www.ripit4me.org/ There's a guide at the ripit4me site and another one here: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/1/360110#2132519 You may want to read up on other approaches to backing up your DVDs. I'd recommend the followig guides: http://home.comcast.net/~bbmayo/guides.htm http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/334154
If you have Nero then Shrink is the way to go. Shrink is a simple program that opens Nero automatically. Read through the guides laddyboy listed. Here is a ScubaPete guide to Shrink/Nero as well: http://www.dvdplusvideo.com/petesguide2.html If you want a simple program that Shrink opens automatically try VSO's CopytoDVD. http://www.vso-software.fr/products/copytodvd/copytodvd.php I use it along with AnyDVD for many movies. laddyboy listed a method that will let you burn new movies that have tougher encryption methods, free too!...but a bit more complicated. Learn Shrink as it is the primary program used in the methods both he and I have described here.
and if you want the really easy way to go .... you can do what FasFrank mentioned..... AnyDVD: http://www.slysoft.com/en/ if you're going to download get the free trial (21 days free) of AnyDVD and CloneDVD! they are easy to use and will copy any DVD you have in your collection. You'll love it as do most members of this forum does. It's upgraded often as needed and if you buy them you will always be allowed to upgrade for life! Nice to have and always works...... just use good media: Taiyo Yuden, Verbatium, Maxell, Sony...... remember: the best media is [bold] Made in Japan[/bold]. By using good media will stop many problems you might have, and what ever you do [bold]DO NOT USE MEMOREX![/bold] they are the worst out there. good luck. and happy burning and welcome to Afterdawn.
I have my own private collection of DVD'S over a Thoudsand !. I in the past i have studied everything about DVD burning,files etc,etc.......... I'm not going into all the procedures involve!... Keep in mind that "Hollywood" do not want people to burn DVD'S...... Not even backing up your OWN!!!!!.... I will Sugest the following as i can not teach, but i can sugest.... If you all up there take my sugestion you will not pull your hairs in your head out!.... First of all forget everything you know about files,vob,info,ect. Next, Forget about DVD Decrypter..... You now are learning new TRICKS!..... First of all you will need to spend a little cash to make this work!.... But in the long run you will come out AHEAD!!.......... #1, Replace your DVD burner if it came with your computer. Go to the web page of DVDX Platinum and buy it,it will be bundle up with Video Vault. Next go to the web page of Slysoft.com and Buy Any DVD. Keep in mind that any dvd it is a decrypter that it runs silent on your hard drive... ok here is how it works!. Open any DVD from the start. Open Video Vault. Insert your movie in. On video Vault click Back up DVD. and follow instrction THAT IS ALL.................. KEEP in mind that you CAN NOT WORK WITH OUT TOOLS! so you have to spend a little cash!!!!. Note; I burn most of my own dvd's in less than 35 minutes. Includind Decrypting,Reading,Writing and Finalizing.... on Media DVD-R. Happy Burning......
@Ginard........ I have backed up over 1400 DVDs now and I can tell you that there are plenty of other programs out there that are cheaper and does a better job than DVDXCopy and Video Vault. I respect AnyDVD because it's a great program that decrypts new encryptions and is always update very fast! But, for someone who is new to the game of burning DVDs...... go for AnyDVD + CloneDVD...... they work great together and soooooo easy it's childs play, with high quality results. Then after many burnings and you wish to become more involved with your DVDs, look up DVDRebuilder, DVDRemaker, Voblanker, IFOedit, Nero, VSO software and there are plenty more to choose from......... But for all concerned.... use what works for you. I'm very happy you're burning experience is content with what you are doing. Enjoy and welcome to Afterdawn.
@ I Hoe. HI: I would like to explain why i use Video Vault!.... I not only copy or back up my own dvd's...... I also Bring in diferent medias and convert them to dvd media... I convert Conectant media. Dvd and movie files,also i convert my own VHS tapes. I can bring anything in into my computer and exported to dvd via Video Vault. Also i have Intervideo Win DVR and Win Dvd. Also with the video vault i have options of changing diferent midea to my own expecification. I can change a wide,letter box media into a full size media . The only draw back is when I'm bring in Other different media to convert them to my own especification; because I pull in the movie,file or coectant media,then impot them to video vault,export to dvd,Muxing,writing,finalising. Process takes about 3 hours. But if it is a movie (vintage) or a movie on a vhs media that hollywood has not converted yet to dvd i'M Happy because i Have the movie on DVD media. For example This movie called Freedom Fighter,1988 or 1989,with Tony Danza....This movie only comes on WHS format only! I have change the format into DVD format.And so on.......
sounds like a great program...... and as I said I was not knocking your preferances just stating that there are sooooooo many programs out there that does what yours does. I felt that a newbie would be better off with a simple program that would just do a copy and burn a DVD or just rip to the hard drive. That's all I meant it to be. Nothing against your program that you like. And I'm sorry if I made you feel that you had to explain yourself more...... I had no intentions of causing any disagreements .... just stating my opinion. I meant no disrespect.
Hi, Hoe: Do not worried, none taken...... For over a year i been reading the pages of After Dawn, and i found out that manu people out there been having problems burning dvd's... I was one of them!.... I even found and study the method of Encripting DVD's......Also found out that the method of encripting DVD's has been changed from the past!. That is why DVD Decripter and others do not work well anymore...... Even thought with DVD Decripter you have options of getting decription keys from another files, and deleate incompleate files, and pray to god that it will decrypt..... Also keep in mind that now when Hollywood encripts movies they are using very low keys, and it takes about three times longer to Decript,and also it makes the program non responsive.......... Please feel free anytime you wish to chat...... Sincerely ME
http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/360110, read that ........ it's a new program that is free and you use FixVTS, DVDDecrypter, Shrink and it does a great job! All for free and let me tell you ........ I don't know what you're talking about all this trouble about ripping DVDs because of encryptions. AnyDVD does the job without any problem....... the people that have problems are of various things like bad media, don't know what they are doing and need advise, and some bugs with Nero's new vesion. Also there are people that are trying to burn DVDs and don't have the resources in their computer and many other factors.... that's why there is this forum. As far as new encryptions stopping people from making a copy of their DVDs..... I have no problems what so ever..... New DVDs or Old DVDs...... they copy easily... I just have to deside what quality I want! Some programs take longer than others. So when you say that's not true.... DVDDecrypter works great! all you need is AnyDVD working in the background for the Newer movies and if you have RipIt4Me it works in conjunction with FixVTS, DVDDecrypter, and Shrink with no problems even with [bold]Hollywood's new encryptions[/bold]! And my DVDDecryption times are the same....... anywhere from 8-15 mins. So I don't understand your statement I'm sorry if I'm coming on so strong I just disagree with you about these statements. I don't mean anything by it but I have no idea where you came down with those assumptions about burning DVD copies.
Ginard listen to what ihoe has said this person has been here a long time and he knows his stuff, and that is great that you have found a good way to back up the movies that you have and that it works for you, but what works for you will not work for everyone, you need to understand that, myself i use dvd shrink and dvd region + css free running in the backround and i have yet to find a movie that i could not back up and my colection is over 5,000, by the way i work in a video store that is why i have such a large collection, so keep up the good work, happy burning, have a nice day