I am new to this technology and need help? Thanks, I downloaded DVD decrypter and ripped the first movie. Now I am lost... what do I do from here? I have purchased ICOPYDVDS2 but have not installed yet? HELP... I thank you for all the information you will can supply me with. Greg
There are many options. However what works best for me is : DVDshrink (or decryter if shrink can't decode) burning with nero. Shrink does it all for you, you just have to have nero installed to burn. Good luck!
So,if I download Shrink,(freeware) between the two-DVD decrypter and Shrink and purchase NERO ver 6. that will work in conjunction together, do all programs need to be open or does the shrink open decrypter and the Nero is open by decrypter? Are there certain setting I should set on these 3 programs? So,the program I COPYDVDS2 will not work? I didn"t know it was as involved to copy your own DVD's. Thanks for the information, it is greatly appreciatly
right mate this is what you do to copy a dvd with dvd shrink and nero , as follows :- 1, open shrink and select edit , preferences and then FILE I/O 2, make sure enable burning with nero check box is ticked. 3, pop in your original dvd and select open disc (dvd shrink will now analyze your dvd ) 4, select backup and have your target device your dvd burner. 5, click ok then your done . dvd shrink will now rip your dvd , encode it to the right size then burn using neros burning engine , as iff it was an all in one program.
this is what you do iff you want to use dvd shrink and dvd decrypter as follows :- 1,pop in your original dvd then open dvd shrink and select open disc ( dvd shrink will analyze your dvd ) 2 ,select backup 3 , select target device as an ISO disc image 4 , tick the box that says launch dvd decrypter to burn output image 5 , click ok then your done dvd shrink will now rip , encode and burn using dvd decrypter to burn the iso image as an all in one program . ps. i am asuming that you have windows xp and are running a ntfs file system because fat 32 file systems cannot handle iso files over 4 gig
gcaruso, You don't need to purchase Nero. DVD Shrink and DVD Decrypter will be just fine. As far as ICOPYDVDS2, you should be able to use it with DVD Decrypter. Rip with Decrypter then run it through ICOPYDVDS2.
Hi Greg, Many folks get confused by the names of certain programs. Some think that the only thing Shrink can do is "Shrink". Not true. Same with DVD Decrypter, it does more than it's name implies. FYI, Three things have to happen to copy a commercial DVD-9 to a single, blank DVD-5. 1. Removal of the CSS encryption. 2. Compression, so it will fit on a blank DVD-5. 3. The actual burning of the disc. Some programs can do just one of these functions some can do all three. DVD Shrink can do #1 and #2. DVD Decrypter can do #1 and also #3 for .iso images only. Nero is not just one program but an entire suite of programs that perform various functions. Two of the most popular ones are: Nero Burning ROM which can do #3. Nero Recode 2 which can do #2 and #3. Now DVD Shrink has been designed to work with either Nero or DVD Decrypter. Because both Nero and DVD Decrypter have "burn engines", Shrink can open either of these programs automatically at the correct time to start the burn process. All you need to do is set Shrink up as per woof811's instructions, and have the programs installed on your PC. Shrink will do the rest. The easy and free way to do this is with DVD Shrink and DVD Decrypter. I COPYDVDS2? You don't really need it. I usually try not to tell people to install more programs but try and help them with the ones they are trying to use. However just about everyone has DVD Shrink and DVD Decrypter, so there is tons of support for these programs. If I had "I COPYDVDS2" I would give you specific help for it. If you really want to use it, then it probably has a file browser that would let you find the files Decrypter made and then burn them for you. Greg, you have come to a great place to ask a question, I hope you will let us know how things go. Welcome to AfterDawn! Cheers, Frank
I was told to run XP with a NTFS file system, where do I locate for it, and it I don't have it, Where can I get. I am trying to rip and burn DVD's. Thanks This information was given to me by Junior Member woof811... Can anyone help me. Greg
Windows XP/2000/NT can use NTFS, FAT 32 or FAT file systems. Windows 98/ME can only use FAT 32 or FAT file systems. Versions of Windows that can use NTFS have a built in converter or you can use Partition Magic. One of the biggest problems when people make a upgrade from Win98-ME to WinXP is they skip the part at the beginning where there is the option to convert their drives from FAT or FAT32 to NTFS before installing WinXP. NTFS file system is what you should be using on XP. The only reason to continue to use a FAT or FAT32 file system is if you are also running another OS like Win98-ME or Linux on that computer. Even after installing WinXP you can convert your FAT or FAT 32 drives to NTFS. Open Help and Support and search for Convert NTFS to get complete directions or read this. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;307881&Product=winxp Example: Click Start - Run and type. Convert C: /FS:NTFS Before you make the conversion to NTFS. It is a good idea to both defragment the drive and run a error check fixing both file system errors and recovery of bad sectors. Right click on your drive and select Properties and these options are on the Tools tab. The new DVD Shrink 3.2 will make split ISO files that will fit on FAT 32 drives. It is still a good idea to use NTFS anyway though.
woof811, Good outlines for Shrink - Flip218, "Fast man", The new 3.2 DVD Shrink can burn regular files with Nero and Copy2DVD and ISO files with DVD Decrypter and Copy2DVD. BTW, Copy2DVD is an excellent all around burner. Greg, You just got an excellent answer from veblin (I type too slow to get it in between A/D's ins and outs Pete _X_X_X_X_X_[small] The “old man” Pete (ö¿ô) Compaq 8000, Pent IV CPU 2.84GHz, 1024MB RAM, 520GB HD. Pioneer 107, 8X R/W , Nec R/W ND-1300A, JLMS DVD ROM. 128MB GeForce4 TI 4200, O/S XP[/small]
A ScubaPete Guide for DVD Shrink and DVD Decrypter Of course the main thing is to download the programs before you can think of doing anything Program # 1. (Get your DVD Decrypter’s newest version here - ) http://www.dvddecrypter.com/ Program # 2. (Get your DVD Shrink’s newest version here - ) http://www.dvdshrink.org/ Now that we've done that – Get yourself nice and relaxed and follow this here, it's a step by step – and this baby can’t fail, kweeler than a snowball down the back of your pants (Weeeee, First create a folder for your HD backup work. Try to put it someplace where you won’t forget it (i.e. C:\All My DVD Work\A DVD Mom would hate). Next, lets get DVD Decrypter setup so it can burn in the background after DVD Shrink has done its thing – Ya ready ?? Yea, I knew you were Right-o, open up DVD Decrypter and under mode select “ISO, Write”. Un-tick the box that says “verify”. Where it says “source”, you’ll leave that blank as DVD Decrypter will find the location of your backed up DVD file automatically. Lastly, where it says “Destination”, select the drive where your burner resides. Feel free to close DVD Decrypter, DVD Shrink will open it when it needs it. (Yee I'm tired already – this is truly a lot of work (Lol)) Next, open DVD Shrink, you have the latest version of DVD Shrink so click “Edit”, then click “Preferences” on this page we’re going to select “DVD Target Size” as custom and set the size no higher than 4300MB – If your blank discs aren't the best, drop your size to around 4260MB. We do this to make extremely sure that our disc isn’t too large. Then under the “File I/O” tab "un-tick “Enable burning with Nero” then click “OK”. Place your original DVD in your DVD-ROM drive and a DVD blank in your burner’s drive. If you have only a single drive, begin by placing your original in the drive first - When it necessary to put your blank in, you will be prompted to do so. DO USE RiData, Sony, Ritek G04, Verbatim DataLife Plus or media boasting “Advanced AZO Dye. All other media could very well cause errors, only the very best media should be used for DVD Video backups. Now is defiantly not the time to put your crappy cheap stuff in - ) Because DVD Shrink is so easy we're going to let it do a complete backup. That means we're going to copy the entire DVD. Everything is already set so that all we have to do is click the "Backup" button. Now, take just a second and under “Target Device” go to “Select backup target” once there, select “ISO Image File and burn with DVD Decrypter" Finally, where it says “Select target image file”, browse till you find your created folder for your backup and click “Save”. That’s it ! Click “OK” and DVD Shrink burns that ISO image to your HD. It then opens DVD Decrypter and has it burn the ISO image to your waiting blank DVD. Don’t use your PC for anything at all while it’s working. - I'M NOT KIDDING ! STAND BACK FROM THE COMPUTER ! * There have been issues where playing your DVD on your burner opposed to your DVD ROM may result in errors during processing :-( When you need a guide with a personality, shop ScubaPete ) Pete Hurry back, we'll be a-waiting for a full report - _X_X_X_X_X_[small] The “old man” Pete (ö¿ô) Compaq 8000, Pent IV CPU 2.84GHz, 1024MB RAM, 520GB HD. Pioneer 107, 8X R/W , Nec R/W ND-1300A, JLMS DVD ROM. 128MB GeForce4 TI 4200, O/S XP[/small]