I dont know if im trying to do something that is impossible here.. I have downloaded a few TV episodes, the majority of them are ".AVI" or "MPEG" I have found with Nero Express that I am able to burn these files through the data section. but the problem I am running into is that I can only manage to put 2 files onto a CD - R. I do have a DVD burner but that crapped out on me, so I am going to the next thing which is CD - R. Is there a way that I can condense the size of the files so that I can put more then 2 onto a CD?
CD's are already too small, and shrinking them down further is probably a bad idea that will lead to you being unhappy with the result. It sucks that your DVD writer crapped out, but my advice is to go spend another $35 on a new one and stick with DVD.
Thank you for your reply and advice. I may just have to bite the bullet on this one and go get another DVD burner. Thanks again