Will someone who knows what they're doing help out a newbie? I like to listen to audio books and lately, I can get some-but not many encoded on cds in mp3 format. This is great because I get an entire book on one disc instead of 10 or 12. I have lots of books on cd and I thought it would be great if I could put them on cd in mp3 format. I bought Nero 5.5 with the mp3pro plug-in and I've converted files to mp3. Here's the problem: when I try to burn a book to disc, Nero wants to expand it to a format that takes up just as much space as a wav file. Is there any way around this? I've tried burning as both an audio and as a data disc and nothing works. Is there a way to do this or is Nero yet another software moneypit?
Thank you, Thank you!! I was afraid I'd never be able to do it. I would never get anything done without message boards and the kind, knowledgable people who are willing to help out a techno-dolt like me. Now if i can just find the time to burn all my books!