I just got a new computer and for the first time I was able to burn my mpeg files to DVD. The first time I tried burning a DVD, I used Roxio MyDVD LE and it worked great. All five video files burned great and I couldn't have been happier. Then I tried it again with some other mpeg files, but this time I seemed to only burn the first few minutes of each file. So I tried again. Now, however, after about 45 minutes or so (the amount of time I took to burn my first successful DVD), I get the following error: Device Error Sense Cod (4 08 00) Logical Unit Communication Failure-General 2130970624. Can anyone help me with this? I've went through about 3 DVD-R since, hoping these errors were just flukes, but is there something wrong I can prevent?
seems odd i googled it and posted your question in another forum. did you try rebooting and then burning again...did it work? I will update you if I recieve any input from the other message board make me curious.
I did reboot my PC and I still got the same message. I ended up dl'ing Ulead DVD MovieFactory 30-day trial and it has worked every single time, so I dunno what is what with Roxio.
I hear ya' I have roxio creator 8 full version but only use it for data backup it makes great high quality dvd's but take forever and is quirky. That's why I moved on to VSO software I even tried Nero and it's pretty good but VSO is just faster and delivers a very good quality result. good luck