burning multiple video files as chapters of a single movie...HELP please!

Discussion in 'Video to DVD' started by andrewtn, Nov 20, 2005.

  1. andrewtn

    andrewtn Member

    Apr 2, 2004
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    Hi, here's what i need to do. I have a DVD with about 50 music videos. When I try to play them on my Car DVD system, I can't skip through each track by pressing the "Next Track" button, it only allows me to fast foward. Fast fowarding through each one to get to the video i want is a HUGE pain.

    Is there a way for me to reburn these videos as seperate chapters in a SINGLE title/movie, so that I can skip through them like a regular movie? I believe that this process is called "branching," but I may be wrong.

    What program will allow me to do this? Will NERO do the job?

    Thanks so much in advance
  2. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    suggest you reauthor the dvd .Try looking at tmpgenc dvd author.You can have each movie file as a separate chapter, so your dvd controller will be able to skip by going to the next chapter

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