If I have 4 DVD burners connected to my computer, (2 internally and 2 external-USB) is it possible to have each one burn their own separate movie from the HD at one time? In other words, I have 4 movies and 4 burners. I want each burner to burn a movie. Doing 4 movies at once on 1 PC. Is this possible? If so, what program would be good for this type of burning process? Thank you.
Iv heard of people burning more then 1 copy of a DVD at the same time on multipul DVD burrners. But I have never and dont think you can burn 4 diffrent DVD's to diffrent burrners at the same time. Most burrning software would only let you burn 1 project at a time. I dont even know if there is one out there that would let you do more then 1 project at a time.
I vote with larrylje. That is not possible using a typical home PC and I've never heard of anyone doing that. I think you would be better off getting four PCs! You can burn multiple copies of the same movie at once though...I doubt even that would work with two of the drives being on USB. The drives need to be matched somewhat. I do two at once with Nero and a couple of Pioneer burners. Same movie though.
you would need a computer that would have a dual core or hyperthreading, or better. And that's if it will allow you to access the hard drive for all 4 locations where the movies are! Unless you have a super duper computer I don't think it would allow you to open the same program 4 times and burn on 4 different drives with 4 different movies located in 4 diffent areas of your hard drive! Soooooo I don't think it's possible with the average computer system.
Well it didn't hurt to ask. I was just trying to figure out a way to get these movies burned faster and off my HD for space purposes without having to do one at a time. Thank you all for the help though. I did notice a mutiple drive duplicator, so I was wondering if a mutiple burner could work the same on a PC. Oh well.
Hmm, I dont know from experience, but logically I think if you could get multiple instances of a burning program running and direct each instance to a different drive it could work. But I dont know. For instance..... You could have 4 seperate DVDdecrypters opened and each one pointed at a different drive. Or you could have DVDdecrypter, Nero, and 2 other burning programs opened all at once and burning towards different drives. It might work...???? But you better have a DAMN POWERFUL processor and a crap load of RAM!!!! Just my thoughts FALSE
Can be done,but like FALSE said,you need four different burning programmes. And yes slow wouldn`t be the word for it. It would have to be quicker knocking one out at a time.