Burning music from Lycos Rhapsody

Discussion in 'Audio' started by jwaite, Jul 20, 2005.

  1. jwaite

    jwaite Guest

    I have purchased a subscription that allows me to listen any song I want and download most everything that I want. I however cannot burn the songs to cd's unless I pay more money. Does anyone know hoe to crack this thig so I can get my music??
  2. jAmEsTn

    jAmEsTn Member

    Jul 11, 2004
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    i've got a perfect solution for you. pay the money to burn yer music.... or the RIAA just might come after you next!! *evil laugh*.. you payed em the money in the first place to download low quality DRM controlled crap music... but.. you could always do an analog rip which'd sounds horrible.. but that's illegal so ya know! good luck
  3. diabolos

    diabolos Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 28, 2005

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