Ok, i am trying to burn some dled episodes of a series on to commercial dvd playable DVDs. My friend's brother's friend, who burned me the first 12 episodes of the series for me, managed to fit all 12 episodes on a single DVD. However when i try to do the same thing i can only fit 3. They are the exact same files and format. Any help that anyone could provide would be greatly appreciated, bc the series is around 90 episodes long, and 30 DVDs would cost a lot and would be a waste, rather than only 8 DVDs.
Are these downloaded files, or are they on a DVD? You never said what software you're using. We really need more info and that's probably why you haven't got an answer. Since I don't know what you have let's go with shrink, it's free and you can get it here. You can always shrink them twice. Open shrink, choose custom and and check deep analysis. Then shrink it down 50%. You won't be burning yet so ignore the to large to burn message. Then shrink your new files down until they fit. I don't know if it will give you 12, but you should get a lot more than 3. This method will take a while but you need to do it with the deep analysis because of all the compression. Of course you realize the more you compress the less the quality, you will have to decide where to draw the line-buy more media or watch with less pic quality. If I knew what you had I might be able to help more,.......or not.
Where are you downloading from? And also it helps to know what format the files are in. Are they avi files?
flag on the play!!! I knew there was a reason you didnt wanna fess up about your dled files.Please see rules on piracy!!
Jim, I've been had! Does this sound familiar to ya? BTW, "just for argument's sake", where have you been? Loooonnnnnggg time, no see. Good to see(or is it hear from) ya big guy. My original mentor here at AD, so many moons ago! Glad to know you're alive and kickin'. Happy 4th!!! PS-still haven't seen a dime from my recent promotion LOL
hi bigorange Happy 4th of july to you,and all the A.D. peeps in here!! Yes this does sound familiar. lol For the last 2 weeks,ive been vacationing in the northwest wyoming area,namely yellowstone national park,beautiful area, but those geysers smell like a backed-up sewer lol They need to change their slogan:COME TO YELLOWSTONE IT REALLY STINKS Before my vacation,id been watching the new wave of members holding down the A.D. fort, very well,keep up the good work bigorange!! I see you got another promotion,that entitles you to 10x the pay you got as a n00b congrats lol RHAVIN,too bad you didnt read the forum rules,id tell you the answer to your problem,but then id have to kill ya. lol blaze on clubbers jim
Also posting several times a few hours a part wont help one bit. People here dont get paid, they do it for fun, and to try and help other people. So posting serveral times, asking about piracy, thats why you didnt get a reply... Regards CoZZa
Sigh... rules...rules....rules _X_X_X_X_X_[small]ASUS A7N8X-X, XP2500+ OC'd to XP3200+ Samsung 1024MB, PC2700 OC'd to PC3200 480GB [3x160GB, 7200, 8MB] EVGA, GeForce4 Ti4600 128MB Rules and Policies: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/2487[/small]