Hi, I need some help here..I'm trying to burn a dvd...I tried it in burning room and nero express...it keeps giving me the error "reallocation failed"...if anyone can help me I'd appreciate it. thanks in advance
A little more information would be helpful. Are you burning a DVD movie, or data? What version of Nero are you using? Are you using Nero Recode2? Are you burning Disk to Disk or is the file on your hard drive? If it is a movie then tell us the steps you have taken.
Chances are that your getting a burn failure when using nero due to DVD-video reallocation failure. The problem is a video structure one, something about the video files isn't DVD-VIdeo compliant. Try processing the files thru FixVTS first to correct file structure, then burn the corrected files to disk using nero. Get FixVTS here and instructions on use: http://www.videohelp.com/~FixVTS/ This little app is very easy to use, check both boxes and just drag all the .vob files into it's bottom window, then click fullDVD and wait. Once done try and burn the files to disk.
Sound advice by johnl123 on processing for compliance. Sometimes that error crops up and the DVD will still play if you proceed with the burn. Did you try ignoring the warning and burning the files anyway? I just backed up Road House and got the reallocation error message. I went ahead and burned and the backup played the way it was supposed to. I watched the whole thing and not one error. If worried about wasting a disc, try recording to an RW to check it out. It doesn't happen too often, but I've seen the reallocation error message several times and to date all the backups have played the way they're supposed to.
hello, thank you akl for replying and trying to help. I checked the file(s) with FixVts...and did the fix...still giving me the same problems. I'm trying to burn a dvd-movie (not data) to play it in a stand alone dvd-player.I'm using nero version 7...I tried it in express burning room and nero vison...all of them give me problems saying reallocation failed.The file is on my harddisk.It was and xvid file that I converted to dvd with winavi 7.5 maybe this will give some more info too...the video_ts-file contains: Video_ts: 2.21 GB Video_ts (back-up of ifo 8 kb) Video_ts (info dvd-film 8 kb) Vts_01_0 (back-up of ifo 78 kb) vts_01_0 (info dvd-film 78 kb) vts_01_1 (dvd-film 79.570 kb) vts_01_2 (dvd-film 1.045.726 kb) vts_01_3 (dvd-film 237.826 kb) vts_01_4 (dvd-film 1.005.058 kb) hope you can help out....and thanks again!
Since you have Nero 7 with the Nero Vision, do the conversion of the Xvid over using Nero Vision. Then burn the DVD output from Nero Vision with Nero Express. If it gives you the reallocation error, do the burn to an RW to see how it turns out.