Ive been backing up my movie using dvdfab decrypter and dvd shrink. However, my trial of nero is running out and I need a burner (so dvd shrink says and it always ask for nero). What should I do? Are there any free programs that act like nero that i can use?
Shrink works with either DVD Decryptor or ImgBurn as the burning engine. Both are free. Actually ImgBurn is an updated Decryptor w/o the ripper part. Made by the same guy. Good stuff. Just uncheck the box that says use Nero.
I only burn movies using Decrypter ( save as ISO and burn with Decrypter )Speed for me works at 4x you also uncheck burn with Nero So you don't need a burn program Roxio or Nero I use them but not to burn movies
A good rule ( Anydvd,Shrink main movie only save as ISO burn with Decrypter ) there are a lot of way to burn movies this way is easy and works