Hi I used shrink 3.1 and than burned it with autoshrink iso,it all worked fine but it took like 3 hours al togehter is that normal?If I download the new version of shrink 3.2 can I still burn with the autoshrink iso?If not which software can I use I habe nero express 2but no clue how this workes..it was so easy with the other one.....
Shrink 3.2 is still DVD Shrink. The new version fixes some bugs and adds some new quality functions. It still can be set to burn automatically. It is no faster. Also, with the quality functions checked, it can take longer to record. The results are better for longer movies though. I have had Nero for a long time and am still learning things about the suite. They have guides one can access at the Nero website. I always make it a point to read the guides on programs so I can get a picture of their capabilities. When I first started using Shrink, I even printed out the guide on it for handy reference. BTW, the 3 hours for Shrink sound a bit long. There are variables. Drive speeds, burner speed, and system resources are what one has to look at. When asking speed questions, always supply system info.
As said speed depends on the system and setup. A modern system with adequate resources should be able to do a movie close to 1 hr with the 3.1 Shrink. Small DVD-5 movies even faster. There are guides for the Shrink and how to use it here at AD, at DVDShrink.info, and at http://www.doom9.org/ just to name a few. They mention Nero and DVD Decrypter. [bold]I can answer specific questions, but the guides show pictures and do a better overall job.[/bold] The Nero guides are at the Nero website.
When using DVD Shrink and burning with Nero the box has to be checked. To burn with another program the box has to be unchecked. As long as the Nero program is on the computer and the selection to burn with Nero is there; that is all you have to know about Nero to start. It's automatic. On the top toolbar EDIT > Preferences > File I/O is the path. At the bottom under Burn Settings you will find the selection box for [bold]Enable burning with Nero.[/bold] _X_X_X_X_X_[small][bold]'brobear'[/bold] [/small]
What are your comptuer specifications ? What are the DVD Drive you are using? This also could be one of your drive's are locked to PIO mode, which will cause the drive to slow down. Right Click My Comptuer, Hardware, Device Manager. Right click on both your DVD drive's and select Uninstall. Right click on the IDE channel that the DVD drive's were on and select Uninstall. Reboot and let Windows reinstall the drive and IDE channel. On my 2.6GHz, i can shrink a DVD9 to DVD5 and burn in approx 20-40minutes. Regards CoZZa
I have the LG DVD burner amd win 2000.It takes 2 hours to encode with shrink and 1.5 hours to burn with shrink auto.I have the speed already on max.Is shrink so slow in encoding or is it my computer....and burner...
What are your comptuer specs?? CPU? RAM? HDD? What model LG Burner? Have u looked to see if its on PIO Mode? Regards CoZZa
I don't understand what you mean...my axternal LG is a new one I just bought it.I tryed to uninstall and than install it is still so slow............i gues it is shrink or my computer but over 4 hours i think is to long.
Download CPU-Z... http://www.cpuid.com/cpuz.php#download it will tell you: CPU Speed eg 3GHZ... 800MHz .... 3200+ ....2400+ etc.... Amount of Ram... eg 128mb... 256mb.... 512mb.... 1G.... etc.. Go to My Computer, right click on C:\ and it has Capacity.. what does it say... How much used and free space... An Exteranl DVD Burner... USB1.1, USB2.0, Firewire ? You might be running a USB2.0 Burner on a USB1.1 USB port, which would make it slower. Regards CoZZa
I have 6.6 used and 18.5 Gb free.How I know if the usb is in the right one??? I have two usb's I just put it in one i did not know it makes a difference....
Download that program i said before.. its not that big... Tell me your CPU Speed, Memory, Motherboard.... eg That says i have a 2.6GHz Processor, a Asus P4S800 Motherboard, and 512mb Ram... Regards CoZZa
Download that program i said before.. its not that big... Tell me your CPU Speed, Memory, Motherboard.... eg That says i have a 2.6GHz Processor, a Asus P4S800 Motherboard, and 512mb Ram... Regards CoZZa
Thats why its taking a while... That is a fairly old comptuer. So that would be about the right speed for that kind of comptuer. Regards CoZZa
You can tell Nero to automatically burn after encoding with DVD Shrink or if you have extracted to your HDD, the files should be in a VIDEO_TS folder. Open up Nero, and Select DVD-VIDEO, then drag the contents of the VIDEO_TS folder on ur HDD into the VIDEO_TS folder in Nero, make sure all the files go into that folder. Regards CoZZa
thanks but the nero what came with the burner is not the hole software only the oem can I even do some with that?