How do I burn a film/movie with subtitles? I can see they're there when I open the file, but if I drop the subtitle ENG.str file in the normal way it doesn't come out. I'm using Deepburner but have had the same problem with other software.
So you have avi and srt file? You need to convert them to dvd-format and then burn them. Use ConvertXtoDVD, FilmMachine or DVD Santa to convert and then just burn dvd-files to dvd. More guides:
Thanks for this. Is there any free software that will do this (without leaving a watermark)? The AVI files download OK, it's just the SRT files that I can't get. Presumably having converted these, I drag & drop them in the normal way? Cheers.
I'm on stage 5 out of 6. It is asking me to enter a file name for the subtitles in the grid. The subtitles are on the desktop with names like "Amarcord - [Federico Fellini][1 di 2] 1973". It won't let me enter this or anything else in the field. What do I do? Thanks again.
But that .srt file in the same folder as the .avi file is and in same name. Like movie.avi and
If I put the whole folder in Filmmachine & burn the product I don't get the subtitles. If I open the file it has a CD1 and a CD2, along with corresponding srt files. I can get the AVI files in OK. It's later, under the heading 'subtitles' that I have the problem. How do I get the srt files into Filmmachine? Or have I misunderstood something?