Hey! Just having problems burning movies to these discs. They burn fine, but all movies get to a certain point and skip. Apparently my burn speed is 12x and I think I've been told that skipping has something to do with the burn speed. Can anyone please help me?? I use DVD Shrink to burn, but I have Nero loaded onto my computer and apparently the discs actually burn using that. I'm a bit of a dvd-burning ignoramus as you can probably tell Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks so much
smiles21: Sounds like you got dvd shrink autoburning with nero. Do you have dual dvd drives or single dvd-rw drive? What speed increments does dvd shrink show when you look at backup options/burn speed? Dvd shrink and autoburn with nero gives me very limited burn speed options: 1x/2x/2.4x/and max. I have to watch out for the max burn.My benqs will overburn all 8x media to 12x and 16x if left on max burn. When you click the backup tab-check the burn speed setting tab. Slow it down. Depending on your media quality-determines how fast it should be burned. What is the brand name of those +8x discs? MID code would be handy. What's the brand name/model #/and firmware version of your dvd-rw drive? Use nero infotool to find out this info. What device is showing the skipping? Usually stand alone players. Confirm that backup by playing it on your pc,using the dvd-rw drive that produced it. Make sure playback is near perfect-especially area where it skips. Look at the area real good.
I agree totally with what my friend, Suagmon, advised you to do! He is very thoro with his answers. Sounds like a media problem that doesn't like fast burning (duhhhhh that's what Suagmon told me!). Use good media, Verbatim, Taiyo Yuden, Maxell, Sony. Here is a media guide: http://www.digitalfaq.com/media/dvdmedia.htm use the disks [bold]made in Japan[/bold] and you can't go wrong. here are some guides for you to help you along with your burning needs: http://home.comcast.net/~bbmayo/guides.htm choose the guide you need!
Thanks for your help Saugmon! In answer to your questions: - I have a single DVD-RW drive - I'm unsure about the "speed increments" thing! - After looking at one of the guides that IHoe suggested I look at, I realised I can change the burn speed in DVD Decrypter if I go into "Mode", "ISO", then "Write"; but I'm not sure if I can burn right from there! Would that work do you think?? - In terms of slowing down the burn speed in the backup tab, I can choose from 1.0x, 2.0x, or 2.4x. I am using 8x discs like I said before, so which speed is best? - The brand of the discs I use is "Imation". And sorry, what's the "MID Code"? - The brand name of my DVD-RW drive is Pioneer; model number DVR-109 (if that sounds right!); and firmware version is 1.40 - It is my DVD player that hooks up to the tv that is showing skipping. I did what you suggested and played the discs on my computer's dvd drive (the one that burns them) and none of them skipped in the places they were skipping when I played them on the stand-alone player! According to my Nero Infotool thing, apparently my read speed is 40x and my burn speed is 40x too; although it can be changed to 32x. But that fully can't be right I didn't think. Have I given you enough information to be able to help me some more?! I really really do appreciate all this help!! Its good to know that someone out there knows more about this stuff then me Cheers!
Mode ISO write is for a 1:1 copy. The movie can't be bigger than 4.38 gbs,unless you use dual layer media. Your pc plays it perfect,but not stand alone player? Imation? Sounds like your stand alone player don't like your blank imation media. Try something better like taiyo yuden,verbatim,or japanese maxell/fuji/sony. Burning too slow can also cause this. Keep speed at 4x. You may be limited. Another option,when you hit backup:[bold]Remember where your files go[/bold]. When it asks for a blank disc,abort,and close out. Just gotta fish those files out and redo them. Then open up dvd shrink/open files/locate that folder/open/let it quickly analyze-30 sec/click backup/reset the files to go into a different folder/double check burn speed setting-should have all available increments now-2.4x/4x/8x/and maybe 12x,and ok. You will have the same movie on your harddrive twice,in case harddrive space is limited.
Yep managed to burn at 4x through DVD Decrypter, so I think it worked! What burn speed would you suggest for 16x discs? Or would you not even suggest 16x discs? THANKS
i suggest burning @8x on 16x rated discs, but before doing so, i would highly recommend you update your firmware..i have that same Pioneer dvr-109, i cross-flashed mine to booktype dvd+r to dvd-rom w/ modified firmware, but that is another story... http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=2017 you should update using the 1.58 revision, i have the 8.58 revision currently on mine and it's a very good firmware~ docTY
If I wood have listened to these guys from the get go, I wood not have to reburn about a hundred of my movies. Yes it takes a little longer burning at 4x and it certainly is cheaper 2 use subpar blank media, but ask urself, wood u rather have a hundred have ass movies that don't work worth a shi.. or ten movies that work flawlessly. Blank media is very inexpensive now. The cheap stuff I used in the beginning, that I thought was so great, is now crap, and I now have to reburn all them movies. I have used Maxell for awhile now and I swear by them. What you have to ask urself is what is worth it. Listen 2 these guys or gals, they no there stuff.
Firmware for your burner as that sets new write strategies for new media thats out.. Firmware is programming that is inserted into a programmable memory area of your drive, thus becoming a permanent part of a drive. This 'software' is called firmware and can be updated with a firmware flasher. Every company has its own methods to allow you to do a firmware upgrade. A firmware upgrade can add new functionality to your drive. Also bug fixes and improvements are done by firmware upgrades. To find you firmware go to your burner homepage and find the firmware for you make and model. Or, find it here: http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_result.php?kaj=1&isces