I really want to know if it's worth it?? I'm perfectly happy to use the DVD-Video mode, but I have read conflicting opinions about what will give better compatibility. I'm authoring in TMPGenc DVD Author and that states in the help file that when burning with NERO you should use ISO / UDF mode and check the box to force DVD video compatibility. I just want to burn my authored DVDs so that I can send them to people and they will be compatible with as many standalone players as possible. I can't even get a feeling for whether this is worth worrying over, but I just don't know.
bump. I've been looking at this for 2 days now and the more I go into it the less it looks like NERO is reliable even using the ISO UDF mode for burning. Someone must know which is the most compatible way to burn and which software will do it best???
When you click Output it will write your project to VIDEO_TS and AUDIO TS folders. Then you can use the built in burning software to burn those folders to a disc or you can use Nero in DVD-Video mode to burn those folders to the disc. Or you can use the built in burning software to create an ISO Image. Then you can use the built in burning software to burn the ISO Image to a disc or you can use Nero in ISO/UDF mode to burn the ISO Image to a disc or you can use other software like DVD Decrypter in ISO Write mode to burn the ISO Image to a disc. It doesn't really matter. Whatever makes you happy.
Hi Veblin, I will be sending my discs out to people and need them to be as compatible as possible. I have looked into Nero and a lot of people seem to have problems with it. I'm trying to establish which burning software offers the best compatibility with most standalone players.
franco78 Seems you're looking in the wrong place. The issue isn't which program burns the project, but your choice of mode and the media you choose to place it on. Once the program is on the disc , if done properly, the majority of players will play irregardless of whether you recorded in ISO or File settings. ISO is just one huge file with everything going on the disk in one spot. Files are separate, but they end up in one big spot, the disc. When you check out videos recorded by each method, the product is the same. I have used different burning programs and Nero is as good as most. It has a huge market share, so a lot of people think it is good worldwide. Look more to the media that is most compatible with most players. I've heard some older players like the -R format. I've seen some that won't play +R. [bold]So, go to the media section and ask which DVD format is the most widely acceptable for playing in most DVD players.[/bold] I'd tell you if I knew, but I'm not sure on that for the Global scene. +R seems to be the biggest favorite in the US.
Hi Brobear, It's one of them things that when you start looking into it you're bound to find a load of people putting down a certain software so I'm going to stop right now. One of my problems was that Nero was telling me I would not get a compatible disc in ISO UDF mode, which I want to use. I think the reason for this is I was ripping in IFO mode and not file mode with Decrypter. Now, I can't find a way to demux under file mode, but if I do I'll just burn with nero in ISO mode and see what happens. Thanks
Sounds like you're at odds with yourself. You want to burn an ISO file (big single file), but you want to separate the files (possibly for editing?). What programs have you actually tried. Sounds like we may be dealing with the hypothetical here which can go on endlessly. Sounds also that you may want to add another tool to your repertoire. Check out the free tool Daemon. You can find it on the net. Do a search here at AD with DAEMON in caps. Go back a few months and you'll get my view on the particular software. And yes, one can fool a program or a PC.
OK here's my story from scratch. I have some DVD-R discs without menus. I therefore need to get them on my PC and re author. The problem I had was that the disc was not broken down into neat chapters where I could take 1 part of the DVD at a time. It was all over the place so I needed to get 1 big file then break it up into a number of small files which were in chronological order. For that I use BBMPEG which is great. I only wish to burn in ISO mode as I will be sending these to other people and I have read that ISO / UDF 1.02 in Nero offers the best compatibility with standalones. I'm pretty sure there is no software to help me make the process any faster as the DVD-Rs content just is not neatly seperated like a commercial DVDs. However, I'll take a look at the software you mentioned. Franco
Sounds like you may have some problems understanding what you're doing. Here is a link to a handy guide for using ISO/UDF in the Nero Burning ROM. It mentions using files created by DVD Shrink. The files can just as easily be produced by another program. The process is the same as long as the files are compatible. BTW, the emulator is for loading an ISO video file into a viewer. The PC sees it as a disk and acts accordingly. Good for looking over ISO before a burn. http://www.dvdshrink.info/nero-udf-iso.php Follow the instructions and it's a simple drag and drop situation after you edit your files. Also Nero has their own guides at their website. They're in PDF, so you'll need the free Acrobat Reader (at Adobe or CNET). _X_X_X_X_X_[small][bold]'brobear'[/bold] [/small]
BTW, in the future it might save time if you start from the scratch position. One can catch on to what you want more easily from there.