Burning with new Dual layer Burner

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by mutt, Jul 25, 2004.

  1. mutt

    mutt Guest

    Have recently purchased a new LG DL and installed in PC have burnt 1 DL dvd successfully but all others since have been expensive coasters. Am using DVD dycrypter then nero 6 to burn . Any ideas on the prob. or am I over looking someting obvious???
  2. john179

    john179 Active member

    Dec 30, 2003
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    You have the right programes as Nero does support DL.If your using Nero correctly and you ripped all with your ripper it can only then be the media. Remember DL is new on the market no one really knows what media suits what burner yet.Where i live the only way to get DL is on the net and i live around the corner from the largest computer market in the uk.If you look on LG web site to see if they recomend any particular brand of media is your first pot of call.Second you could ask around this forum to see if anyone is using the same drive as you with any recomended media.Third exspensive trial and error with diffrent types of media if you can get hold of it.Last option which iam using wait till the market is fludded with the media and the price war begins.Until then the single layer will do me fine as it has never failed me.But all the same i have my kit in place for when the time is right.
  3. mutt

    mutt Guest

    Thanx John179. Muchly appreciated advice. Am trying new tricks advised by friends at the moment , hopefully have ironed out thge bugs

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