You put the butter knife in the DVD tray so the disc will stop spinning. Since you can only mod new maps if you try to go into matchmaking you will always get a new map.
It is to stop the new maps form loading... I broke my old box that way. I recently modded my new one and need a good fun PPF for Containment.
i use a paper clip in between the controller 2 port and power button ther is a little hole u put the paper clip through and ith presses a button that ejects ur disk witout turnin off ur xbox
So, I don't understand what purpose all this serves? Is this to load unofficial maps on live, or what?
if you out the knife in just above the o in the xbox font on the disc tray it will stop the disc from spinning, so it wont load anything off the disc. so if you want to mod in matchmaking, most noobs who dont know how to mod old maps want to mod the new ones, you put the knife in and then go into matchmaking, and if it comes up a map thats on the disc it will send you back and start again, until you ,load a new map, which the modder will have modded.
So, basically, since the disc can't be read, it will go to the maps on the hard drive, allowing you to load unofficial maps, or modded versions of them. This would probably explain some of the oddities that I've seen around on Live.
i dont get that? if you wwanna be good at halo just train in Legendary mode that'll teach you some lessons lol
exactly...dont be lazy and download some mods cause you suck at halo 2 ...atleast if you mod make you own ....i butter knifed i think 3 different days and it screws up your xbox[bold] @teddy [/bold]yes even if there not modded maps if its on the hardrive it will load
[bold]close the thread[/bold] i think we get the point now that butter knifing les you cheat in halo 2 cause you suck at the game and are dam lazy to practice or have the balls to ask for tips from the "nicer" "pros"
It's only cheating if you change the way the game fundamentally functions so that you can have an unfair advantage against players, who in fact spent a lot of time getting as good as they are. I mean it's not like by doing this you rob yourself of the entertainment value of building the skill and ability to do better. Not to mention the fact that it's not like you are destroying the experience for all the gamers who HAVE taken that time. So really, changing the way the game plays to be an unfair advantage in your own favor, so that you can beat people who have taken the time to be good at something, while you don't have to practice at all isn't a bad thing, right? That's obviously the justification for cheaters here. And it's really just plain pathetic.
Okay, Okay. I agree a mod should have closed this thread some time ago. MOD! Any mod! Somewhere! Anywhere! Mods! Hey! Hey! Lookime! Hey! Hey! Close the thread! Hey! Hey! Lookime! Close the thread! Hey! Hey! ....The sad thing is I'm not being sarcastic here. I really don't know how to call the attenion of a mod to close the thread, lol.