I have a cdrom with several files that i would like to install on my computer, it is form an online course that i took, and needs my username and password to install the files. I am pretty sure that the files are stored in two cabinet files or a bin file locateed on my CD. I have contacted my course provider but they refuse to give me my username and password. I remember my username but not my password, the password is a jumble of rnadom letters and numbers. I have tried using winzip to open the cabinet files, but an error message comes up-Winzip cannot open D:data1.cab because it is not in the standard microsoft CAB format. (as defined in mid-1998) The "signature bytes" required by the microsoft CAB specification are misssing.- As to what this message means im not sure. I have also tried simply clicking on the cabinet files, they open, but nothing is inside. The correct way to install the files would be to go through install shield, which asks for my username and password. If anyone has any suggestions, or even a place to begin looking that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks A Lot.
You could try using Alladin Stuffit 8.5 http://www.stuffit.com/win/index.html It's a tool that can extract .cab files. I'm not sure you can do what you need to do, but, it's worth a try. Good luck.
Open the CAB via WinCAB (you'll need the makecab.exe from the MS CAB SDK in the WinCAB installation folder)