Hi, I just downloaded call of duty and it is in two cds. I'm having trouble installing this game because when I click setup it will get up to 45% installed then say insert disk 2. I have tried going through all the files plus mounting it and extracting but I still can't get it to completly install, thanks.
You need to insert disk 2. When it says insert disk 2, you simply unmount disk 1 and mount disk 2. Just make sure it's pointed at the correct drive then click continue. I'm assuming this is a torrented copy so if you want to discuss any further I'd be glad to help you through PM. Open discussion of pirated materials is strictly prohibited.
sorry I just have a few more questions how can I contact u. when I mount the first disk and it gets to 45% I cant get out of it without quiting the installation.
To good to be true, okay this is what happens. I mounted the game so that it makes it to 100% then it says would u like to create desktop files I clicked yes. Then it says "error try re-installing game" so I did that twice and it keeps coming up then I exited and mounted it to disk one. I clicked single player and it says "please insert the correct cd-rom", thanks for your time please reply soon.