Hey! I'm looking to buy a digital video recorder for the first time. I am an anthropology student so I want to mostly record interviews and other small-space action. However, I will occasionally record a festival or tourist activities outdoors. I need decent batter power, and would love to be able to plug it in to a/c. I also would like good audio quality or the capability to attach an external microphone. Video quality is not the no.1 priority, but would be nice. Also, I'm poor (maybe $1,000 or less). Any advice? Thank you!! - Kristin
hey kristin =) =) i dont go shopping for camcorders everyday but i'll advice you to get one of the small sony ones, they are good and worth the money and $1,000 can buy an almost high-end one for less than that. but make sure to get one that takes the regular standard memory cards not just the sony memory sticks(cuz the sony ones are usually slower and more expensive than the others) and if you cant find a sony u like move over to canon ones but i recommend sony xDDDDDDDDDD