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Can a cellphone answer a landline with link2cell?

Discussion in 'General mobile discussion' started by Charles_I, Apr 1, 2024.

  1. Charles_I

    Charles_I Member

    Jan 21, 2023
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    I understand that link2cell allows you to answer two cell additional phones with the landline phone, but I can't find out if it works the other way, which to me would be more useful. Can you answer the landline phone with your cell phone if you are within range? I'm not referring to call forwarding to the cell(s). What I want to know is, when the landline receives an incoming call, can it be answered on the landline, or one or both cell phones? This would also require being able to connect both cell phones to the same landline number. If so, you wouldn't need to buy additional handsets for the landline. Specifically, I'm referring to two iPhone 13 models and a new Panasonic cordless landline phone.
  2. scorpNZ

    scorpNZ Active member

    Mar 23, 2005
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    What does the user manual say or it's specifications i have to ask why you even ask as it has the function or it doesn't including bluetooth since apparently that's how it's paired . The other option if your panasonic doesn't is a modem/router that supports the function your after as they do exist,i have one tho i don't use it
  3. Charles_I

    Charles_I Member

    Jan 21, 2023
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    The user manual of the phone I'm looking to buy says under Link to cell feature, "make or answer cellular calls using your home phone (handset or base unit) with better reception." Not very specific. Nothing about pairing in both directions. However, good to know that this might be possible to a accomplished with the router. I'll look into that. Thanks

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