recently i backed up hostel and narnia.all seemed well with the back up process,meaning no errors or pop ups.but when i go to watch them they won't play.the dvd player keeps saying loading.and when i try my pc it doens't read the disc either,what's up.if any1 has some advice i would greatly appreciate it.
What brand and type of media did you use? At what speen did you burn them? What program did you use to make the backups?
Narnia burned ok for the first 20 minutes and then the picture locked up and would not play.Used any dvd and clone 2 and 8x. Any help?
That is your problem right there. You should burn these discs at 4x to 6x. This will increase their compatibility by a lot!! Memorex media usually uses CMC MAG discs and these are not very good. however, if you burn slower and do not multitask, you discs will work with most players.
I burned it at 4x and used dvdshrink with nero and it burned perfect. I watched it on my computer and it is great but when I put it in the dvd the previews are fine but 10 minutes into the movie it locks up? Any solutions?
@anthony72 What brand and type of media did you use? At what speed did you burn them? What program did you use to make the backups?
I used fuji at 4x. I used dvd shrink and nero. I just reburned the same damaged copy with dvd fab and clone 2 and the movie came out perfect. I watched the whole thing and it didnt skip a beat.