Can anyone solve this?

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by gpizzle01, Feb 27, 2006.

  1. gpizzle01

    gpizzle01 Member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    My friends XBOX is softmodded and now all it does is start up to a xbox live update screen and wont let u do anyting else. I've looked all over this forum and cant seem to find a solution. If anybody can solve this problem, it would be greatly appreciated. The xbox is to big to just be a paper weight.
  2. xboxdvl2

    xboxdvl2 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    you need to boot it up to a dvd.try a slayers autoinstallers dvd.put it in when you turn the xbox on,you might need to softmod the box again.i havnt had that problem but i hope my advice helps you.
  3. Talic

    Talic Member

    Feb 28, 2006
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    Omg, the same thing happened to me today. i used Softmod.Installer.Deluxe.4.5.Nknave.Edition, followed the steps exactly with splinter cell, backed up everything i needed to, and installed unleashedX. so i had my xbox softmodded and wanted to see what i can do on the dashboard, so like a dumbass i go to filemanager and look around in one of the drives and selected some file, it brought me to the xbox live sign in screen and all i saw was a network connection cannot be established (no connnection is connected i didnt feel safe pluging it in at the time)it brings me to the troubleshooter, i press B and im brought to account management, new account, and network setup. so i turn off my xbox and when i turn it back on im brought back to the same exact screen, so i decided to uninstall the mod by using the exploit again. the dash was normal and things were fine. then i wanted to install evolutionX (i would have reinstalled unleashed but i thought i have already solved the problem) and im back to the same problem. so if anyone can plz help me plz do so. im willing to do whatever to fix my softmod. thx.
    p.s. this is my first time softmodding.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2006
  4. gpizzle01

    gpizzle01 Member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    I havent been able to try pushing B yet, but last time we tried to do something, it didnt want to let us do anything. We couldn't get into the dashboard or have a game load up. All it does is go to that screen and piss you off. Hopefully my friend will bring his XBOX by soon and we can try some more stuff. Please leave anymore suggestions you guys might have.
  5. Talic

    Talic Member

    Feb 28, 2006
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    well for me im able to play spliter cell when that happens. Anyways ive managed to fix the softmod i used my softmod installer deluxe 4.5 again with splinter cell and brought back my unleashedX dashboard under singleboot. but whenever i install my dahboard under Dual Boot Open(ndure) im back n the same position again. and i always wanted to use sofmodds on xbox live (in halo 2 custom games) and i know only ndure alows that, and whatever other feature ndure includes as well so if sumebody can plz help do so thx
    p.s. if this wasnt clear enough to understand supbody post and ill change a lil thx
  6. Shaddow07

    Shaddow07 Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    Ok, first of all why would u trust any thing called "Softmodd Delux" and another thing, this happend to my friend a few weeks ago, we were able to go into the ftp from my laptop and delete the files of unleashed there and after that every thing was fine.
  7. X4Life

    X4Life Guest

    My friend used to have that problem. All you have to do is put a xbox live game on your xbox and turn it off and back on. run the game and on the game menu select xbox live BUT MAKE SURE THAT THE CABLE IS NOT CONNECTED and that will update your xbox dashboard. you have to install the softmod again.
    PM me if you need more help

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